Thrombophlebitis, Varicose Veins, Blood Clots

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Thrombophlebitis, Varicose Veins, Blood Clots

Postby schatzi » Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:42 pm

Has anyone experienced Thrombophlebitis, Varicose Veins and Blood Clots while using Statins or after getting off Statins?
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Postby eers » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:35 am

Yes I have.

I wanted to know if anyone experienced the same thing. I have been on Crestor 10mg since the beginning of 2007. Last year I saw what my internist noted as a "localized varicose veins" but I noticed that during excercise this became more and more prominent until new veins started emerging around it. Then this was quickly developing on the other leg.

I went to a vascular surgeon that did an ultrasound on both legs - he went on to tell me that my veins and valves are fine. Circulation in feet were fine and there was no signs of DVT (although I seemed to have symptoms like that before).

The last thing that could be causing this is something like a hernia or an enlarged prostate (for men - of course this could be caused by pregnancy in women). From an abdominal CT and Ultrasound nothing was seen to be the cause so so far I'm a anonomaly but right now too busy worried about my faintness/dizziness and so on.

I would be interested to hear your experiences on this and if anyone else has experienced something similar. Please let us know, thanks.
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Postby schatzi » Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:44 am

To eers:

Thank you for your post.

I had been on Statins a few month when I experienced a blood clot in my left leg and was hospitalized and put on coumadin for a period of time. This was while on Zocor. Was then prescribed prednisone for the pain. Later was placed Pravachol and then Lipitor. The problems progressed into varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, DVT and thrombosis. The issues became so intense that I retired from my job in 1999. After retirement with less time spent standing and walking every day and being able to rest more, taking better care of myself AND NOT TAKING STATINS, the problems somewhat subsided.

In Aug 2006 I was placed back on Statins, this time 5mg Crestor which took until Nov 2008 when suddenly I come up with Atrial Fibrillation. In the interim I had a Heart Cathederization and a Carotid Artery Scan both of which were completly clear, no plaque anywhere. My total cholesterol at the time was 141, yet the Dr. insisted I go back on Crestor, 2.5 mg.

I took the Crestor for 4 weeks in Feb and Mar 2009, all the previous symptoms came crashing down on me with much greater severity. I took myself off the Crestor and subsequently my Cardiologist and Primary Care Dr. agreed that I am obviously not a candidate for Statins. Both admitted that about 20-25% of patients cannot tolerate Statins at all.

Of course the last Statin regimen also aggravated the DVT and I am now having to wear T.E.D. support hose daily. I am on 81 mg Aspirin twice daily, as well as BP meds and Nexium for the GERD caused by Statin use.

I have been searching the internet for any type of supplement that will help strengthen my veins and alleviate some of the pain. I have ordered a Leg Vein Formula from the following website:


I have taken this leg vein supplement for about a week now and have noticed less swelling and less pain. In fact this morning I have been able to be on my feet consistently for about three hours without swelling, pain or having to elevate my legs.

Suggestion: I noticed that I had difficulty ordering using Mozilla Firefox. when I went to Internet Explorer instead the ordering worked just fine.
This website has product information available online. To order you must register as a client, however that is totally free, there is never any pressure to order or for anything else.

I would b interested to know if you have improvement should you decide to try this product.

All the Best,

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Postby schatzi » Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:47 am

To eers:

Sorry, I forgot; you mentioned fainting and dizziness. I experienced that also which was the reason for the cathederization and artery scan.

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:02 pm

When I developed that odd, painful lumpy swelling on my feet while on Lipitor, I saw 3 doctors, none could tell me what it was or stop if from spreading or the pain it caused.. One doctor DID send me for a ultra sound on my legs and the right one showed I had valves in there that were not working right. Since then I have gotten in various degrees varicose veins in both legs but since I have always worked standing on my feet, I assumed that was the cause. I have been off the statins for 3 years and now those odd lumps are starting to hurt again..

In the last year I have developed a real odd galloping in my heart just about non stop.. It started ON lipitor but got better when I quit them. I have had it checked out since it started and a stress test showed my heart throws multiple PVC's, but they say that is normal.. I followed up with a heart doctor and wore the holt monitor for 24 hours and he said it showed irregular heartbeats throughout the day... but then again... that is normal..???? I have spells where the nausea washed over me, I get short winded and feel faint. I have often wondered what Lipitor has had to do with this.
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:32 pm

schatzi and catmom,

Sylviak posted this link recently:


I think it applies

David Staup
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Postby schatzi » Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:34 pm

[quote="Cat Mom2"]When I developed that odd, painful lumpy swelling on my feet while on Lipitor, I saw 3 doctors, none could tell me what it was or stop if from spreading or the pain it caused.. One doctor DID send me for a ultra sound on my legs and the right one showed I had valves in there that were not working right. Since then I have gotten in various degrees varicose veins in both legs but since I have always worked standing on my feet, I assumed that was the cause. I have been off the statins for 3 years and now those odd lumps are starting to hurt again..

In the last year I have developed a real odd galloping in my heart just about non stop.. It started ON lipitor but got better when I quit them. I have had it checked out since it started and a stress test showed my heart throws multiple PVC's, but they say that is normal.. I followed up with a heart doctor and wore the holt monitor for 24 hours and he said it showed irregular heartbeats throughout the day... but then again... that is normal..???? I have spells where the nausea washed over me, I get short winded and feel faint. I have often wondered what Lipitor has had to do with this.[/quote]


Some of your symptoms sound so similar to mine, the near fainting, short of breath and nausea, swelling of the ankles...........No, it's not normal.

I believe the Statins damage your muscle (heart) and the support of muscles in your legs; which makes it harder for your vascular system to work properly, ie the strength to push the blood back up out of your legs.

Initially the Dr. said venous insufficiency.

I also had the holder monitor on many occasions and was told I had arrythmia and mitral valve prolapse, until last year, on Dec 27 I was discharged from our local community hospital while having irregular heartbeat which I made the RN aware of, to no avail. Within the hour I was back in the ER and admitted to ICU with Atrial Fibrillation. 8 hours later my heart was back in rythm, because of the push of digoxin intravenously I had considerable issue with my left arm, phlebitis.

Yes, I do believe that the Statins are to blame for the varicose veins, from the experiences I have had over the years. A scan disclosed the varicose veins are so large and deep that a vascular surgeon will not do any corrective surgery, consequently I am resorting to any kind of supplement that will help my situation.

David, thanks for providing a link, I will have a look at it.

All the Best,

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Postby schatzi » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:08 pm

[quote="David Staup"]schatzi and catmom,

Sylviak posted this link recently:


I think it applies


David, Thank you again for this link. It is very informative.

And also thanks, sylviak, you do a lot of valuable research.

I certainly will print this out and present it to my Dr., have had some symptoms of rhambdomyolosis , although CK and C- reactive values where within normal range. The symptoms went away after stopping statins. First time the symptoms appeared was while on Simvastatin and second time while on Crestor (rosuvastatin).

All the Best, '

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Postby David Staup » Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:13 pm

no thanks are necessary but much appreciated :wink:

hope it really helps

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby Cat Mom2 » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:08 pm

My computer will not download anything in pfd fpormat, it freezes it up everytime.. (new computer too)
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:34 pm

Catmom ,

send me your email address and I'll transfer it to word format ( .Doc ) and send it along...also send a link to Adobe acrobat for reading PDF files

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby eers » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:52 pm


Thanks for relating your story, it gives some comfort that you've experienced at least some of these issues yourself and I hope things steadily get better with your treatments.

The varicose vein issue was my biggest concern at the point that I started visiting my doctors about 1.5 months ago. I really haven't pursued it any further as the this faintness/lightheadedness has taken center stage. I've now stopped Crestor for 3 weeks and am supplementing with CoQ10 (less than a week) and things seem to have slightly improved. I've had recent bouts of blurry vision but I'm hoping my body is just going through withdrawal symptoms and this will slowly pass.

At the point that I was concerned with my varicose veins, one of the natural treatments that I was looking into was Horse Chestnut. My understanding is that it's used widely in Europe but it comes with caveats so if you haven't done so I hope this is something that you might useful:


Good luck and best wishes on your recovery.
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Postby schatzi » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:19 pm

To eers:

Thank you for the links. I am familiar with horse chestnut products from Europe.

The active ingredient in the Leg Vein product I mentioned previously actually is horse chestnut. The issue is that it acts as a minor blood thinner. I spoke with my Primary Care Dr. before starting the regimen and he agreed that I should take it along with the Aspirin.

It has helped with the pain and swelling and I can also be on my feet more, which is great.

I am hoping progress will continue.


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