I am an RN and work in a hospital. Most of my patients, especially the elderly, and many of my colleages take statins. I always ask if they take C0-Q10. The answer is usually "What?" In the past year I have only found 2 whose doctors recommended C0Q10. I found a few others take it because they heard it's a good thing to take as you age. None of them has a clue about the relationship between C0-Q10 and statins. By the way, one patient was offended and reported me (she had a very fearful personality with multiple phobias, and I realize now I should not have even asked her) because my question alarmed her. My question stirred her out of her comfort zone of control which included the fact that her sister is a pharmacist. I suggested she ask her sister about it and she went ballistic. I have since modified my questions to a more benign, vague approach. I want to help, but the hospital setting is not the place.
By the way, I have experienced unbelievable pain, weakness, frequent episodes of pharyngitis and sinus infections after taking plogitazone (a diabetic medication) for 5 months. It was very helpful in controlling my blood sugars, but I almost became incapacitated and nonfunctional. Within a few days after stopping this dreadful medication, I feel like a new person. I went to a website, askapatient.com and found many others who had experienced similar symptoms. I will see my doctor next week and I know he will be upset that I discontinued this drug from hell, and I expect that he will not believe it caused my symptoms. However, I know better. Incidentally, I have a family member who has a ruptured tendon from a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. I no longer trust physicians to do the right thing and inform/monitor patients regarding harmful side effects--they have betrayed the first tenet of medicine, "Do No Harm." Further, they are guilty of malpractice and negligence in many cases. I am sick of seeing so much suffering and I wonder, "Could it be a side effect?" It especially tears my heart out to see so many seniors who are cognitively dysfunctional (most of who are on statins)--I keep thinking, "Maybe it's not Alzheimers or Dementia; maybe it's statins."