New to the Forum.
I am a Type2 Diabetic who has been taking Metformin for 3 years. I also take Perindropril, Gliklazide, Fenofibrate and SIMVASTATIN.
For 6 months I have been getting soreness (a bit like sunburn) on the base of my feet and palms of my hands. More recently the tips of fingers and toes getting same feeling. Over the last 4 months I have also been getting slightly sore lips/tongue and same with eyes (feel like dryness).
I am also getting A LOT of itching all over and especially on my back.
I had a 'what seemed like' muscular left shoulder problem about 3 months back and this comes and goes.
Doctor seems neither too concerned NOR sure what to do. Doctor suggested possibly Gliklazide and have been off that for a week or to BUT NO IMPROVEMENT.
I AM GOING TO TRY COMING OFF SIMVASTATIN as I am starting to think the soreness, itching, shoulder issues COULD BE relatied to Statin(s).
Anyone have similar or advice please. Its driving me mad!.
All the best