what doctors should do

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

what doctors should do

Postby pops » Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:57 pm

Doctors should never give statins to anyone who does not have heart disease or who has not been proven, through medical tests, to have clogged arteries.

Doctors should never give statins to someone who is exercising regularly and watching is diet and has a reasonable cholesterol level and appears to be in good health.

Doctors should advocate that all their patients exercise regularly and eat low saturated fat and low trans fat foods, as well as lots of veges and fruits and whole grains and nuts and seeds.

Doctors should not give statins to children under any circumstances. They should advocate a healthy lifestyle for children instead.

Doctors should never risk patient health by giving them any prescription medicine with the allegation it is a preventative, when the patient does not have a disease.

Doctors should not trust what they read in medical literature that comes from pharmaceutical companies.

Doctors should be aware that pharmaceutical companies are in business to make money, not end suffering.

Doctors should put patient well-being first on their priority list. Pharmaceutical company profits should not be on that list at all.

Doctors should never take gifts of any kind from pharmaceutical companies. That constitutes a conflict of interest.

Doctors should never get advice on what to prescribe to their patients from pharmaceutical company representatives.

Doctors should follow the Hippocratic Oath: at least do no harm.

And last, but not least, doctors should look in the mirror and ask themselves how they would want to be treated by their doctor, and do the same for their patients. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
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Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:11 pm

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