Hi there ronni,
earlier on I googled "thyroidectomy" and the site I visited was very informative and lets you know what to expect and how small the incision is and it explains what the thyroid looks like as well as where it is situated and I think that the information given could make the procedure a lot less frightening if you take a look. (remove the asterisk first)
The big "C" is a scary subject and until someone is faced with it themselves I doubt if they will really know how it will affect them. I think that you are doing the right thing by finding out about it and the type of cancer it is, when you know what you are fighting against, it will make facing the enemy a lot easier and not so scary. Like a lot of people I have undergone a couple of operations, the thought of what might happen and all the uncertainty of what will happen is worse than the actual procedure. Although I have never had the added complication of having cancer in my operations, I still believe that knowing about the treatment will help you through it.
You are in safe hands from what you mentioned, I am just amazed at how good surgeons and all the medical staff are at the job they do, my personal experiences with operations have been a walk in the park with no complications other than taking a bit longer to heal than I expected.
Take care ronni, I really think and hope that the hardest part will be waking up to find its all over and finding that you don't feel anywhere as bad as you expected
All the best,