cjbrooksjc, lars999, David, and Allen. thank you very much for posting replies. They are in fact the very first time I've communicated directly with another statin sufferer. (I'm such an introvert.)
Yes, I'll get around to posting my supplements, but be advised that I changed the regimen almost daily, depending on how I felt and what I was reading. Mostly, I think it is all the antiinflammatories, antioxidants, and pro-mitochondrial supplements you want to take. Nothing new from me, no magic bullet. I got my info from this site, Dr. Graveline's book, and my own rather superficial research into these three good things. Mostly, I think you also need to take a daily dose of luck to avoid permanent damage.
I learned to question conventional medicine when I had a severe autoimmune response to the flu vaccine. No doctor would even posit a cause for my problem, but with a little research I had found that innoculations could cause my problem. The best I got was, when seen by a doctor who is the Chief of Neurology at both the Lahey Clinic and Harvard Med, that when I asked him:
"I think this is related to the flu vaccine I had just before the illness. Do you think it could be related? He said, "No, probably not."
I said, "If you were me, would you ever have another flu shot?" He said, "No, probably not."
Not trusting my own lonely intuition, I had another flu shot about 10 years later, with the same resulting neurological devastation. Case closed.
Even though I've seen a lot of improvements, I am still finding it surprisingly comforting to hear from you and post to you. I think that perhaps processing the slow-motion trauma of statin damage is a bit like dealing with PTSD: Something really bad happened to you. but you don't know you're carrying around a bag of crapola until someone touches it.
So, thanks again, it's really felt like healing to talk with you.