Anyone getting lipomas?

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Anyone getting lipomas?

Postby leeno » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:22 pm

My statin use cost me 30 pounds of perfectly good muscle and other tissue. I did need to lose some weight, but not this way! In the last 3 years, I have not been able to gain back an ounce. So I have been wondering what, metabolically, has changed to so thoroughly disconnect my weight from my food intake.
Now I have 2 pretty big and fast growing lipomas (benign, fatty tumors). One is just above my knee, where my muscle wasting and weakness was the very worst (that puppy is about 7 inches by 3 inches, and 1.5 thick, and makes me feel I am wearing saddlebags). This is giving a new urgency to my inquiries about metabolic impacts of statins.
My worst expectation is that there will be no end of complex and seemingly unrelated problems arising from our having followed "best medical practices."
Any thoughts?
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:43 pm
Location: Maine

Postby lars999 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:15 am


When I quit Lipitor there immediately started a number of nice improvements, especially in energy level and stamina. Muscle, ligament and nerve issues have responded in more complex and quite non-linear ways, with improvements to older problems accompanied by emergence of new problems with other muscles and ligaments. Even with being very cautious about not overdoing physical activities, I seem to have incurred overuse problems that come and go. Dermatological issues that arose during Lipitor therapy went away withing days after quitting Lipitor, only to slowly reappear and then slowly disappear -- they are almost totally gone now. I agree with your concern about "complex and seemingly unrelated problems".

Weight has not been an issue for me personally, at least not yet. Balance on right leg was a major issue that arose while taking Lipitor and got worse and worse until I had to use a cane. This issue has steadily improved as my overall balance has improved but remains to a detrimental degree. Muscle control of right foot and entire right leg has improved but still lags well behind that for left foot and leg -- before Lipitor my right leg was much better in all regards. All this observation is based heavily on my attempts to regain lost ability to downhill ski. However, loss of balance and control of right leg totally killed off any and all dancing and that loss remains.

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Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:14 am

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