Hi there Lars,
I must admit that I am one of those folks who read the article and never got back to remark on it.
It is definitely good news to see that someone ie Patricia Maningat, M.D., and Jan L. Breslow, M.D. has taken the problem seriously and wrote that article, its also written in such a way that there can be no misunderstanding about how only selected candidates are used in trials and what happens to the rest of us when stuff like Statins is released on the general population.
Something like this would have made all our doubts and worries about our symptoms and sanity, so much more credible if we had been armed with such information about Statin intolerance when we were first going through all our problems, doctors as we all know, really didn't believe the problems were real or maybe they were just in our imagination.
It has been 3-4 years since I stopped taking Simvastatin and a lot of the pain has eased (unless I do something a little taxing), My memory and physical stamina however are still so easily depleted, I hope that many more people learn about Statin side effects by reading the article and posts on sites like this and not by having to live with them through Statin therapy like we all did.
Great link Lars and thanks for posting it