RECENT (1/2011) M.D video on the dangers of STATINS

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RECENT (1/2011) M.D video on the dangers of STATINS

Postby cjbrooksjc » Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:34 pm

This is a highly informative video on Statin A.E.s. It is the fourth in a series of four, but the most (my opinion) relevant.



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Postby Allen1 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:27 am

That was an excellent no frills talk about Statins and the harm and effects that they can and do cause. We need more doctors like Jeffrey Dach MD, that talk he gave was really down to earth and descriptive of many of our symptoms without using unnecessary medical terminology, its good to see doctors like him who are aware of their patients problems and who are also aware of the potential causes such as Statins.

If only we had doctors like that when we started to have problems :(
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:41 am

Allen: He pulls no punches, but what I like most is he says pointedly: "Don't take Statins and tell your family not to take them. They are harmful to your health." It's very convincing. Wonder how long before the video is pulled.

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Postby Allen1 » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:36 am

Hi there Brooks,

I really appreciate the "no punches" way he tells it like it is and I hope the video doesn't get pulled because it is an honest and realistic account of what statins actually do to people. For far too long things that he mentions in the video were kept hidden by the companies that make this poison, most doctors were also keeping quiet or playing down the problems, look at what that has done for so many of us, if we were made aware of the potential side effects back then, we would never have taking the stuff that our doctors initially prescribed for our own good!

I pray that a lot of people see that video before they succumb to the life changing side effects of Statins and promptly dispose of any statin they have left before it is too late. Hopefully they will also tell friends and family to do the very same.

All the best,

Allen :)
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