by cjbrooksjc » Fri May 18, 2012 2:22 pm
I am convinced Big Pharma monitors and counteracts any bad press with positive-sounding misinformation of their own. As an example, Google has an ALERT feature I use which identifies posted topics that contain user-selected words of phrases ("Statins" for example), and if the posted news about STATINS is bad for any reason (memory, Diabetes, myopathy), you can count on a flurry of "beneficial" findings posted to counterbalance the negative finding(s). I have not yet seen a claim that STATINS can guarantee a first-born male child, but I'm sure it is in the works. The latest claim in the LANCET: that the drugs should be given to healthy people, is ludicrous. I still feel certain cold-blooded crimes should have special punishment attached: stocks & pillories, public whipping, tar and feathering, and the loss of a limb, eye, or tongue. This situation is pushing me even father to the right, and I was ALREADY just to the left of Henry the VIII.
BTW: my spell checker is not working, sorry for any missed errata.