Educating the Medical Profession

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Educating the Medical Profession

Postby NurseJudy » Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:58 pm

Dear Friends,

I reported the Doctor who told my Father if he stopped his statins he would cancel his K______ insurance. I came across the email I received in reply. K_______ is the system that the government is studying for health care. I think it.s is health I don't care.

Dear Dr. M, 01/30/2007

I received your letter. It was as I expected. When you spoke with me, you stated that you may write something to the contrary.

I thought at the time an analysis could not be totally objective if the outcome was formulated beforehand.

This is my own Father we are talking about. If it were your Father, what would you do? How would you feel? I have attached a poem I wrote about him for you to meditate on.

When we used to believe the earth was flat, people were hesitant to believe anything else. After all, didn't everyone believe it? One would not want to seem strange or out of the mainstream by taking a different position. Eventually the truth became evident. Christopher Columbus did not fall off of the edge of the world.

My grandfather believed we would never go to the moon. We did.

I sustained renal damage years ago. I believed I could work on it, even though I was discouraged to do so. I changed my diet, got on an insulin pump, and began using supplements. It was at the time when normoglycemia was still a debate, and a 10 year Diabetes Complication and Control Trial (DCCT) was launched. I looked at physiology, and knew a normal person's body did not run on Kool Aid. So I became an expert at blood sugar control. Now, I am an historical first. I wrote an article published in an endocrinology magazine titled, "Improvement in Renal Function with Insulin Pump Therapy". I remember speaking with an endocrinologist at a Diabetes Meeting once. He said, " I am sure your 24 hour creatinine clearance never climbed above the 80's." I responded that it was above 90 and remained so. His eyes widened. He almost looked depressed. I was challenging his belief system just by existing.

I look at statins the same way. How does the body usually work? There is a reason the brain, which cannot absorb cholesterol, manufactures its own. Many other areas of the body utilize cholesterol to function. What happens when we interfere with the process? We making our population into a real time experiment. If the body uses cholesterol for things like nerves, hormone production, and brain; it is only logical to look at these areas for side effects and damage. Since the body will make cholesterol from muscles to supply what it needs, we can also look there for damage.

As new data comes in, I am sure the class of drugs called statins will be seen one day as a horrible mistake. The body needs, uses, and manufactures its own cholesterol for many reasons. Removing it is not the answer to heart disease. What if we are creating a generation of Americans without the ability to think?

Just as an aside, the recent data suggests that statins "work" because they are anti-inflammatory. They do this by suppressing the immune system. People on statins are at greater risk for cancer. I got a notice from the National Cancer Institute warning that statin use increased colon cancer. Better to work on what causes the inflammation, than to kill the medic vans on the war front that are trying to patch the damage.

One study (the one you sent me) doth not the truth make. Below is a link to many studies, which you might also want to meditate on.

The world is not flat, we did go to the moon, my kidneys function nornally, and statin drugs ARE destructive.

Even if K_____ believed these drugs would make my Dad act like a 20 year old, to force my Dad to take them was irrevocably wrong. Even if EVERYONE did do well on statins (which they don't), there are still idiosyncratic reactions due to individual make up. My Dad was obviously suffering.

I grieve and grieve for such a warm, intelligent, and humorous person to spend his last days away from his friends, family, and dog just because he can't remember how to take care of himself.

I hope you and the doctors that surround you find the courage to admit the truth. I hope your consciences trouble you until you do.

One must realize that of the Fortune 500 companies, the top 10 drug companies make more money than all the other 490 combined. They also can afford to have over 1 lobbyist per congressman. Who will give them bad press when they pay for most of the advertising?

The following was taken from Dr. Duane Graveline's web site. It has the link to 86 pages of study material. I would suggest that you go to Space Doc's message board and read all the heart breaking stories from people who have sustained statin damage.

Now my Father is one of them.

With much sadness, Judy Johnston RN, BSN

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