Simvastatin, Rhabdomyolysis and Muscle Hypertrophy

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Simvastatin, Rhabdomyolysis and Muscle Hypertrophy

Postby derriaghy » Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:58 pm

We continue to battle against our national accident insurance company in New Zealand, and after 3 years it has taken a toll on my husband who developed rhabdo, renal failure and stroke in 2002 after being on a statin for 7 weeks. Part of our battle is about risk factors, eg did husband have any pre-existing neurological, cardiovascular or muscle problems before starting the statin and also having to 'prove' the extensive damage to his body although the medical advisors have said he has 60% total body injury. We needed to get worthwhile evidence of his current condition so went to a Rheumatologist in Auckland who suggested getting a muscle biopsy. The results of this have shown conclusively that his tissue is damaged and his muscle fibers have hypertrophied. Dr says this is because the muscle fibers which survived the rhabdomyolysis had to build themselves up to support the body so have become super sized.
An independent cardiologist has also supported our claim that husband had no previous cardiovascular disease himself although other members of the family have had heart disease.
In NZ we continue to be confronted with direct to public advertising of pharmaceuticals and statins are always being plugged on TV.
Best thing about all our dramas with the insurance company is meeting doctors who swear statins are deadly. Now if only the insurance company would just give it a rest ......
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