I am new to the group and just discovered this impressive site. I will skip all the gory details for now about myself and simply summarize that, having ruled out virtually every other possible cause, I am convinced that about 5 years of pravastatin have left me with severely weakened, painful legs and an inability to roll my weight off my heels onto the balls of my feet such that getting up from a seated position is very difficult, standing still is painful, walking requires use of an Exerstrider/cane to try to shakily maintain my balance, and I can only walk short distances without a desperate search for a place to sit down. I am no athlete but I was very physically active before then.
I stopped the statins six months ago and started daily taking 600 mg Ubiquinol, 1000 mg Krill Oil and 500 mg L-Carnitine but have not noticed any significant improvement.
I notice that there have not been too many posts here lately, but I am wondering what the latest news is in finding any physical treatment or therapy which can reverse my damage. I know a little about the clinics at UCSD, Mayo, John Hopkins, etc. but have not read and before-and-after success stories. Are there any?
Also, I notice that many folks have varying supplements listed but no reports of significant improvements after taking them - can anyone report any successes from supplements.
Lastly, is there a current report from the member who was taking small does of Benedryl throughout the day?
In short, I think I've read and digested a lot about the bad news; is there any good news for us victims?
Your truly, MillionthVictim.
Thanks in advance for any help, advice or encouragement.