Low Dose Benadryl feedback

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:35 am

Below is an exchange between myself and Dr. Lance Becker who was featured in an episode of "Through the Wormhole" called " Can We Revive the Dead". In the exchange I describe a therapy. A "universal" therapy, if you will, that works directly on the mitochondria to inhibit cell death and/or degranulation by inhibiting mitochondrial swelling:

From:Becker, Lance
To:David Staup <dstaup@charter.net>
25 Sep 2013 14:14:33.0322 (UTC) FILETIME=[8EBF4CA0:01CEB9F9]

I believe you are correct. There will be many many conditions for which this may prove to be a very important therapy. Keep up the good work!



*From:*David Staup [mailto:dstaup@charter.net]
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:54 AM
*To:* Becker, Lance
*Subject:* inhibiting cell death


long story short:

I am disabled. I have an acquired mitochondrial dysfunction from statin drugs.

16 months ago, prompted by Phizer's research on "Dimebon" and some anecdotal evidence from several with adult onset mito, I started low doses of diphenhydramine hoping for cognitive improvement. What I saw, within 24 hours, was a tremendous decrease in the effects caused by excessive and/or premature cell death. A tremendous improvement in my condition. Because apoptosis is the form of cell death most often seen in my case and because apoptosis requires ATP I saw an immediate doubling of the energy available to me.

I have endeavored to understand and have found the following which explains what I am seeing:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 0261904498

From the abstract:

1. It is shown that a number of antihistamine drugs which prevent liver injury inhibit mitochondrial swelling at concentrations at which they do not affect electron transport or oxidative phosphorylation.

I have been testing this therapy on conditions from autism to MS, not to mention mito patients and the merely aged and, so far, it has led to dramatic improvements in almost every case.

I have chronicled my observations and the research I have found on this here:


In how many areas will breaking the cascade of cell death produce dramatic results?

Post stroke
post heart attack
post concussion
post traumatic shock

post trauma of any kind

What do you think?


David Staup
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:38 am

Feedback on Mito

I have had an amazing response. I tried to post to the site but have have had email failure notices.

Two days in: my muscles just sort of unlocked. I don't know how else to explain it. I have walked around hunched over with my low back and shoulders frozen in place for years. Any attempt at exercise to free them only brought on spasms in the extremities. Now I can roll my shoulders and stand up straighter. This has brought on some new challenges. I get back pain because I need to build a muscle support system in my pelvic and shoulder girdle. Oh, another thing, I can march by bringing my knees up high.

Two days in: I worked an incredibly difficult shift at the hospital. It was the busiest night on record. I was in charge and ran up and down the hallways for hours organizing and assisting extra staff. Normally on a night half that busy I would have been weak and having tachycardia before the end of the shift. I was surprised when my friend told me that I looked good at the end of the shift. She is the only one I have confided in about my problems with Mito. I looked at her and laughed. I not only made it through the shift but came out winning physically.

Sine then I have had a crash brought on my sleep schedule change when I could not take all my meds and maybe because I tried to cut out some of my meds. I will continue with LDB and see how far I can go with new activity. My goal is to also decrease big pharma meds.
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:48 am

Feedback on MS and allergies:

about 1 month in:

"i think vicki, who has MS is becoming more energetic and mentally alert. at least this week she has. probably too soon to know. i seem to be more energetic and feel better. i have a lot of allergies and had been taking 50 mg of benedryl at night for the past ten years. i think this is much better for energy and throughout the day allergies. will keep watching and monitering vicki . she's the one we'er really hopeing to get some great results for. she's a young 59 year old and has had MS for 18 years. her husband left her recently due to finding someone else he liked better after 28 years of good marriage. told her he couldn't be a caregiver. anyway, she's been through a lot of stress this year and was going downhill fast. she seems to be hopeful and seems better so we'll see. i also referred a man here name of 'smokey' that has MS and has been trying so hard and getting worse. he was very interested and i assume he got i touch.

we appreciate your info and will keep in touch."

about 2 months:

"i'm hooked on it. i love that it helps me breath better and i feel better. my allergies would have me sick several time by now but so far i got past all this cool damp weather. vicki seems to be still more energetic and alert. however she fell last weekend and broke her right arm near the wrist. has her really frustrated. she'll be fine soon. we'er all looking out for her.

the oregano sounds good. sounds healthy. thanks for keeping in touch. will let you know if we notice anything else."

About 6 months:


I stay busy but i'm OK... Sorry i haven't kept in touch. I've been through some things that's kept me distracted from the benedryl and it's effects.

Vicki is not easily watched over. She's almost like a kid and has to be reminded over and over about doing anything consistently. I did notice a tremendous difference in her ability to focus on games of all kinds for hours after being on the antihistamine for a short time. To me it was a great difference. Before she could not get through any game without lots of help and would have double vision and confusion. Her energy level definitely improved and her level of interest.

She is very hard to monitor consistently. She's been busy with a new relationship and has been on a cruise that was great fun and has taken up smoking, drinking and late hours. she's still doing well but has forgotten to take the benedryl consistently and i'm constantly reminding her. I do think it had a good effect on her and she does too. She is trying to remember to take it but it's kind of hit and miss. She really needs a keeper. Don't we all.

Thanks for keeping up with us."

I replied to the above:

Is this a test??

" She's been busy with a new relationship and has been on a cruise that was great fun and has taken up smoking, drinking and late hours."

I don't know what to say..other than...o..kay

chuckle...I guess that's good news


And finally:

"All in all, she's definitely better. I probably shouldn't tell about her new habits but thought i should be straight about what's going on. she eats well and has started going to the MS wellness center for exercise. That is recent but i think that will help too. Gaining strength in her muscles will help her walk. She's trying to get stronger. Her mind seems stronger and she's more able to think straight. We just need the legs to get stronger and i think they will."
David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:27 pm

This one I would not have noticed...I have not had an infection since I started high dose vitamin C in 2005..

I have been taking the LDB (low dose benadryl) on an occasional basis now for a while (I think it's been a month or so), and I have noticed something very important. When my kids and husband were coming down with a cold and whatnot, getting sinus headaches and sore throats from too much phlegm and such, I treated my kids and myself with LDB, but didn't treat my husband with it (he doesn't like taking meds if he can help it). I did not get sick at all, the phlegm cleared up in me and my kids were just fine after a day or two. My husband was not and he is slowly but surely getting better a little bit at a time. The interesting thing here is that I didn't take mega doses of Vit C, maybe took a multivitamin with normal doses and such along with some unrelated pills (cranberry, vit E, etc).

I used to swear up and down on homeopathic remedies such as ColdCalm and so forth in preventing colds or making sure they don't go down into my chest, as I am prone to getting bronchitis if it's not stopped. Now I think that LDB is a better remedy as it's much cheaper and more widely available than homeopathic remedies for this type of thing. Just thought I would share my observations.
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:32 pm

CVID and mito...comments by a doctor:

Hi Folks,
I was the one who posted about an exchange with my doc. He is a PCP who is 78 this month and still in practice - for which many people are grateful. This past year he took on a partner - thank heavens - as he has such a following he was working at least 40 hours/week in office plus seeing patients at the hospital. We live in fear he'll retire.
In conversation I mentioned that my immunologist- who's a mere 67 - had mentioned
there was an antihistamine developed in Russia years back that had been tried as a treatment for mito but the study petered out or something. I told him about David's research and subsequent experimentation using benadryl with some success and our group was heartened by his results and others are using it as well.
It was almost as if you could see him skid to a stop in what had been his train if thought - and momentarily scan his memory bank. In less time than it would take to google 'benadryl and mito' he responded that when he was a resident they were using benadryl for mito and he encouraged me to try.

David speaking here:

My doctor Is 80, he remembers using Benadryl for Parkinson's!
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:46 pm

Mast cell activation disorder and mito recounting her doctors comments:

I actually agree with David on this one. I am taking less than 1/2 the dose my 10 year old would take. My doctor's response was "Are you asking me if you can take an over the counter medication at an extremely smaller dose than what is allowed on box? Of course you can!" Then when it worked she began prescribing it to me at the low dose and has suggested LDB to other patients with good results. Why would a doctor be worried about taking such a low dose of a medication that has been around so long and has been so well researched?
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:51 pm

Autism and Mito:

I am doing better.I was starting at the bottom of a bad crash.I had kindey problems,and cerebrovascular problems,both worse tha normal,and was barely able to get out of bed,I was so weak and tired.I collapsed at bus stop coming home from buying the benedryl.I have stuck with it,and used a third of a bottle.I am now near the end of week two of my crash,and am able to get up and walk around some.I could never do this two weeks into a crash before.I think my recovery here may be in weeks.rather than months
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:56 pm


I had surgery in Aug and there was a roommate at the hospital who was having a mast cell reaction and since I was on the LDB and was telling the benefits they tried it on her too. (I also have mastocytosis) A couple weeks ago she messaged me thanking me for helping her and she says she is still doing LDB as well.

My mother is also benefiting and swears by it as well.
David Staup
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Re: Low Dose Benadryl feedback

Postby David Staup » Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:57 am


My 85 year old neighbor who had/has (?) Lyme disease is taking 3 mg q.i.d. He weighs about 160 pounds, and swears it’s making a big difference.

from an earlier post:

My neighbor with Lyme Disease thinks his cognitive problems have lessened noticeably on the LDB. He also has gout on occasion. I’ll not relate to him any thinking on LDB helping with gout, but I’ll know when and if it returns. I think we’d be making a mistake to think it will be a cure-all for too many things, though. I do somewhat understand, though, your basis of thought for the root of these problems...well, sort of understand!

the original question:

"Is there any reason to believe that low dose Benadryl might be helpful in treating the sequelae of Lyme Disease?"

my answer:


http://www.bing.com/search?q=lyme+disea ... =AS1&ghc=1

rule of thumb

anything that includes fatigue (as we know it). Fatigue is caused by ATP deficiency and apoptosis, the process, uses ATP. This sets up a situation where more and more cells are triggered into apoptosis because of atp deficiency making the whole even more atp deficient, a cascade effect we call a crash.


when in doubt google X and apoptosis or, as I've learned recently, X and mitochondrial swelling or mitochondrial dysfunction.

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

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