Hi Stina,
It is not about luck...I think we all have been conned and you have to take care of yourself...you have to educate yourself and then ask the right questions, you have to interview your health care provider....it is sad we have to...
Medical Doctors say TC counts of 200 or below are "optimal" levels, but that depends entirely on what the LDL count is....
For example:
My Dad has a TC of 205 his LDL is 145 his HDL is 60
All the Docs and even the heart assocaition state and MANDATE! that a TC count of under 200 is OPTIMAL, yet they also state that LDL of between 130-158 is "BORDERLINE HIGH" for Heart disease and in most times will begin statin therapy if the the LDL is even boderline high
So the pharamacons now have our medical community contridicitng themselves....it is silly, but no laughing matter as you well know....
The guidelines for optimal LDL levels is 130 and below, but if you have LDL of 130 and LDL of 60 to 65 (which is very desireable) and your VLDL is 10...guess what?
your TC is between 200 to 205 and you are now in a grey area, becase the 200 level quoted actually says "200 or lower is optimal" so you may have "optimal" LDL levels and "optimal" HDL levels but a Dr. who is blinded by the pharamacons, may opt to put you on statin therapy with a "less" potent statin like Advicor for 60 days, when really all you needed to do was exercise, eat better and make some lifestyle changes....
Oh and please remember it is not the Medical Association that comes up with Cholestrol Levels...they are formulated and dictated to the MA by the pharamacons!!!!!
I am not trying to be verbose sorry...
Now lets compare the above with what Naturalists, good chiropractors or Holistic healers say...
First, many agree that chol/tri's are able to be lowered naturally...it takes longer but the results can be dramatic if you are willing to let go and really research and want to change your lifestyle...
Second, Get a darn good 52 point blood test...the medical community does not do this, they focus on one issue...high cholestrol could be caused by a low functioning thyroid or metabolic issues....that certain natural supplements or foods can correct....
Third, My Chiropractor who is also a licensed nutrionist, holistic and naturalist believes that Cholestrol is different in everyone....you cannot state that an "optimal" TC level for everyone is below 200....He really gets angry at such an arrogant assumption....
It was his 52 point blood test that proved my thyroid was not functioning correctly and that I had metabolic issues because of my smoking....
For my body type and metabolic rate, which is now much better and is still improving to my pre-smoking days and a host of other information he gleaned from the 52 point blood test, hair test and bowel test is that a TC level of 100 or less is fine with me....and is what my body is accustomed to before the 15 years of smoking and other abuse I put my body through....now he believes that my TC count will go up slightly to 109 becaue he wants my HDL up to 65....
Stina, what I have found is that you can pull up what a bad TC level is but have you ever been able to find any info on what healthy TC ranges are...I could not find anything that told me a TC count of 100 was bad.....
The paharmacon media machine distorts and contradicts all in the name of SALES!!!!
I think this very long post and answer is simple...a TC count is going to vary from person to person and it is very arrogant and very alarming that the pharamacons assume that a TC count below 200 is good for "EVERYONE"
As far as Gluten...oats do not contain gluten unless they are milled by equipment that also mill gluten containing wheat, etc....
Last item, My old medical doctor totally screwed up...the kicker is the DR found my original report and it was still very high....WHY?
Because they drew the blood and it was not centrifuged before they sent it off to be tested and the sample was not tested for 5 days!!!!!....I have researched this and guess what...it casues the blood to oxidize....and will raise blood sugar and TC levels...if it is centrifuged then it is ok....
*note* ask your DOC who is testing the blood and where and if it is centrifuged....
hope all is well with you stina!