arthritic joints

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arthritic joints

Postby mof29212 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:16 pm

:( When my muscle pain came (diagnosed by my doctor as neruopathy due to statin drug) over night, also came acute arthritic joint symptoms and inflammation. Did anyone else have this same symptom and with time, do the arthritic symptoms leave eventually? Quick note: I was given a 5 mg Crestor because I told the dr. I had heard that you could split one of these and it would "do the work". His response was,"I will just give you the 5 mg and you won,t have to split it." I STILL split it,it took my cholesterol where it was suppose to be in 6 weeks. I did not tell my dr. I had been taking a half all this time, until I went to him a month ago to tell him I had also stopped this drug. I also told him I had learned this statin -Crestor was so strong I believe you could take it every other day and it would still work. Low and behold I read that in Asis that is what they perscribe. Additionally, there is a man in my church who took it ONCE a Week and it worked. Back to my question on arthritic symptoms-anyone else have this? Anyone diagnosed with gout/high uric acid due to this drug? Thanks for any email on this.
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Postby ironic » Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:37 am

In case you haven't seen this page on the site regarding statins and gout:
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Postby AnneW » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:19 pm

to mof29212: I was on Lipitor for 51/2 months before I stopped taking it (Jan 15, 2006). I had severe edema and muscle pain/fatigue. My family doctor put me on prednisone to try and relieve my symptoms. Three weeks later my blood work came back as testing positive for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was given many different meds and had a severe reaction to all of them. None of the doctors involved would listen to the fact that I did not have Joint Pain, but Muscle Pain. I don't believe it is arthritis, but rather a severe reaction to the Lipitor. The doctors will not admit that their favorite candy could possibly have caused my problems. I am now seeing a Naturopath who also says this is not arthritis and is beginning treatment for the edema and my muscle problems. I'm hoping that this will be a turning point for me to get my life back. Maybe get another opinion on the arthritis.
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Odema and muscle pains

Postby Ray Holder » Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:08 pm

I believe that odema can be caused by statins weakening your heart action through reduction of Q10, it certainly damaged mine, and it would pay you to try some Coenzyme Q10 and also some L carnitine for the muscle pains.

As your heart uses fat for 60% of its energy needs and can only use that fat if there is adequate carnitine present, that is another reason for taking some as a supplement. You will find advice on dosage in some of my previous postings.

Ray Holder
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Postby tex62 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:15 pm

My husband took Zocor 20 mg for about 18 months. His triglycerides were still somewhat high, so our doctor added Tricor 145 mg to his Zocor regiment. Within weeks his health spiraled downward, including what seemed like arthritis type pain. Our family doctor (mis)diagnosed his condition as osteoarthritis. He was referred to an orthopedic surgeon who also (mis)diagnosed his condition as osteoarthritis. After a few weeks, the orthopedic surgeon determined that the severe knee pain was caused by a torn cartilage. We questioned how the cartiledge could have torn when it was healthy weeks before. Since my husband was 62, everything was blamed on age in spite of excellent physical health a month earlier. Arthroscopic surgery was scheduled to repair the tear. After the surgery, the doctor came out to talk with me. He had pictures taken of the internal surface of the knee which showed sharp spear-like crystals. He said that gouty uric acid crystals had literally shredded the cartilage. After the knee surgery, we did research on our own and found that every adverse symptom my husband had experienced in the previous three weeks was listed as either a side effect of Zocor or Tricor, including gout. It took several months off the drugs and supplements of Q10 and later L-Carnitine before he fully recovered from all of the side effects of these drugs. Gout was definitely one of those side effects.
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