Zocor or Zocor combined with Zetia (Vytorin)

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Zocor or Zocor combined with Zetia (Vytorin)

Postby spacedoc » Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:14 pm

Readers may like to know that combining Zocor with Zetia in the new, highly promoted product, Vytorin, has, in my judgment, been a step backward for Zocor. Vytorin now is contributing to the great majority of adverse reports received by me. At least 60% of the reports I receive daily cite Vytorin as the culprit. Side effects range from memory to depression to muscle aches just as with Zocor alone but with much greater frequency now with Vytorin. Is this pogress in public health or a legal ploy to maintain control of Zocor when the patent terminates?
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:47 am

Postby Tony Cooper » Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:50 pm

I just read your article on statins and thought I would send you my experience with a 30 trial of ZOCOR. I was 46 and my cholestral level was just over 220 and had been hovering around 200+- 20 points for a couple of years,. I have mild high blood pressure and take 25m HCT daily and a potassium supplement.

Within 3 weeks of starting Zocor I had incredible pain in my legs and arms. This pain came on very suddenly and was very severe. So much so that at a family reunion were we have an annual touch football game and I could not even throw the ball! I hobbled as if I had a severe case of shin splints.

I immediately noticed the correlation between the Zocor and this pain and stopped taking the medication. It took well over 6 months for the pain to completely subside. Longer to regain most of my muscle strength back. I would say I am at 80% of the strength I had before taking Zocor on that trial basis. I am now 49.

Just recently at my last Doctors visit, my Doctors office recommended Vytotin. I started to research the drug as I was afraid to take another statin and was amazed when my wife found your site listing Zorcor in the mix. I'd rather live with high cholestral and the associated risks then come close to taking another statin.

Thanks for the information.
Tony Cooper
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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:43 pm

Zocor and Zetia ruined most of 2005 for me

Postby Darrell » Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:10 pm

I'm 51 years old with untreated total cholesterol around 225 and a ratio that really, really stinks. I had a bad time with Zocor starting in January after taking it for many months. I went off Zocor and then went on Zetia a few months later. Same deal as Zocor: right leg, ankle, and foot aches and weakness. I've been gradually recovering ever since, with most of the recovery in the first few weeks. I'm pretty sure Q10 helps (sure enough that I'm still taking it), and a thigh-high, medical-grade, 15-20 mm Hg graduated compression stocking certainly reduces the aches. I still have some weakness toward the end of the day. Zocor and Zetia are dirty words in my house.
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Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:25 pm
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