I have to take medications but the question is how many and how much?
My parents both lived long lives and they had heath problems too, but they were not bombarded by the drug companies the way we are now.
My health was never worse than when I was in my early 40's and when I was really loaded down with meds. One of them was Lipitor. After watching myself really start to decline and acceping all the dire predictions of my doctors I decided I did not have much to lose by cutting some of the medications I was on.
I started by dropping the meds that were not absolutely required to keep me going. I also started to drop the new expensive brand name drugs and switching to older generic drugs that had a long clinical history and well known side effects. At the time I was too sick to exercise much so my exercise remained minimal. I did avoid junk food, but I had been doing that for a while.
I started to feel better and stronger. I knew on was on to something. The dozen plus medications on I was on, including lipitor, were making me sick. By the time I had my meds down to warfarin, lasix, digoxin, baby aspirin and prozac I was realy starting to get better. Five simple, generic drugs were taking care of business. Six years later and I still alive, feeling much, much better and I can actually buy my meds out of my own pocket. I getting around petty well and I do not listen to the chicken little doctors much. I get as much exercise as I can tolerate and I do not smoke cigarettes and I call it good enough. I expect to live to 70.
