An interesting encounter

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An interesting encounter

Postby Dee » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:45 am

I recently had occasion to be on an elevator where there was a man using a cane. He nodded at his cane and said "I never thought I would need one of these to get around at my age."

I would estimate his age as in the 50s.

So I, standing there leaning on "my" cane, and not being the shy type :wink: asked him if by any chance he had taken a statin drug. He said, "That is exactly what happened to me".

While sitting in the lobby waiting for my husband to get the truck (since I can't walk that far anymore) TWO women entered the building using canes...estimate their ages to be 40s...I wasn't near enough to them to ask if they had taken statins...but I sure had to wonder.
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so sad

Postby BDavis » Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:30 pm

It's a sad fact that there are too many of us struggling to get around and function in any means. Does anyone know how many have had these side effects?
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Postby Dee » Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:06 pm

It has been hard to get a accurate number of victims because many doctor discount the statin adverse effects and diagnose other ailments. Many folks do not realize that new problems they are having are because of statins. This all causes a massive under reporting of the problem.

I can tell you that several months ago I counted the postings on 4 different forums that relate to statin damage. In just a few minutes I counted over 10,000. The views of these postings were many times that, for instance one "thread" with 9 replies had over 2200 views. That shows that the statin problem is huge.

I would think that saying there are "millions" of sufferers WORLDWIDE would not be an understatement.
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Postby Darrell » Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:34 pm

Statin damage is severely under-reported for a lot of reasons. When I needed a cane, I met a bunch of people who either had experienced statin muscle problems or knew someone else who had. Last December I mentioned my statin problems in a Christmas letter and immediately heard from an old friend who was having similar problems without benefit of a treatment for his symptoms. Spread the word!
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Postby Dee » Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:50 pm

You know, another thing that I have noticed is those electric scooters at some stores...some stores have quite a number of those and if you go during prime shopping daytime hours, you will likely have to wait for one. And if you watch, many of those using them are not all that old. At a Wal-mart the attendent was kind enough to bring one to me and I commented that I would not need it if I hadn't taken a statin. That started a discussion that ended with her vowing to get her husband of Lipitor...a lightbulb went off as I was talking, you could just see it. I tell everyone that will listen. I saw a cousin I hadn't seen in over 30 years last week...she was on Lipitor and you should have seen her face when I told her why I was in such bad shape...

Don't worry, Darrell, I have a big mouth and I use it to spread the word every chance I have, everywhere I go :lol:
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:46 am

Isn't it odd how many of them we run into that are not aware of any of this? I also run into those that say it is doing what it is suppose to do (lowering their TC) so it can't be the drug! My bosses wife is a surgical nurse and he flat out told me the doctors would NOT give his mother anything that would harm her and they know what the side effects are. His mothers has been having TGA and falling down, breaking bones and is finally in a nursing home. I think they are killing her with all those drugs and I can't get him to even consider it could be the statin drugs.. He swears the doctor would NOT do that to her!... and yet he will brag about the big parties he goes to that the pharmar's throw for the doctors his wife works for. :roll:

I wish there was some way we could just wake the public up and make them realize what a scam this is and what it is costing us all! That other shoe is going to fall one day and I hope we live long enough to see it happen!
Cat Mom2
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Postby vipergg22 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:23 am

[quote="Cat Mom2"]Isn't it odd how many of them we run into that are not aware of any of this? I also run into those that say it is doing what it is suppose to do (lowering their TC) so it can't be the drug! My bosses wife is a surgical nurse and he flat out told me the doctors would NOT give his mother anything that would harm her and they know what the side effects are. His mothers has been having TGA and falling down, breaking bones and is finally in a nursing home. I think they are killing her with all those drugs and I can't get him to even consider it could be the statin drugs.. He swears the doctor would NOT do that to her!... and yet he will brag about the big parties he goes to that the pharmar's throw for the doctors his wife works for. :roll:

I wish there was some way we could just wake the public up and make them realize what a scam this is and what it is costing us all! That other shoe is going to fall one day and I hope we live long enough to see it happen![/quote]

I also think it is garbage to think anything above 200 is considered abnormal . How can they say that about everyone ? Everyones metabolism is different , a level of 230 might be normal for some people . We all know where these levels came from don't we ? We hear about more and more problems as you take these drugs that are artificially messing with your liver and metabolism and we wonder why these problems happen .
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