Triglyceride question

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Triglyceride question

Postby djo » Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:49 pm

I have a co-worker who recently ended up in the ER with an extreme reaction to Zocor, he has only been taking it for about 3 weeks. Now they have put him on a generic form of statin, he could not remember it's exact name when he was sharing his story with me. I have used Dr. Gravelines regiment of supplements now for just over a year with incredible results but did not have a triglyceride problem. I can't seem to find any posts where this has been addressed. Does anyone know if this regiment will also work for that, his are now at 900. Any direction will be helpful.
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Postby catspajamas » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:28 pm

The fish oil and the fact that I cut out sugar from my diet(ate like a diabetic) brought my triglcerides down....
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:19 pm

djo: Do a forum SEARCH on 'cinnamon and triglycerides' and you get 39 hits. Below in one post from "adec" that you may find interesting:
[quote="adec"]They say the most commonly sold cinnamon in the US is cassia. And those labeled plain cinnamon are usually either Chinese cinnamon or cassia. You can usually tell the difference between cinnamons by examining the color and level of sweetness.

My mom was too eager to wait, and therefore used 1/4mg daily of household cinnamon (cassia) for almost five months before switching to cinnamon extract. She experienced no ill or toxic effects, and her total cholesterol and especially her triglycerides came down a healthy amount. I was able to monitor her progress weekly using a cholesterol tester.

In many of those recent cinnamon studies, they actually used Cinnulin PF, or pharmaceutical grade water-soluble cinnamon. This is also what is being sold by supplement companies as cinnamon extract under patent by Integrity Nutraceuticals International. Theoretically, Cinnulin has the potential to be as much as 20 times more potent than regular cinnamon without the risk of toxicity. As such, the price is around 20 more than typical household cinnamon.

Look for a product by Planetary Formulas, called Full Spectrum Cinnamon Extract 200mg. You can find this Cinnulin product priced most reasonably at $8 for 120 tabs.... basically a years supply for under thirty dollars. :)[/quote]

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