CoQ10 & acetyl-Lcarnitine & alpha-lipoic acid's impo

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CoQ10 & acetyl-Lcarnitine & alpha-lipoic acid's impo

Postby adec » Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:12 pm

Here's a great article for anyone wondering about the general differences between plain l-carnitine vs. acetyl-l-carnitine, and the mutual symbotic relationship between coenzyme Q-10 and acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid. What makes this combination so effective is the ability to fight oxidation and mitochondrial failure while crossing the blood brain barrier. I believe this synergy has been a *huge* part of my mom and aunt's statin recovery and stabilization over the past year.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is espeically important in its ability to convert pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA, with acetyl-l-carnitine being the precursor. This is the beginning of the Krebs cycle, which is a vital part of energy production. This in-turn helps to increase the synthesis of CoQ10, the exact opposite effect of HMG-CoA inhibiting statins. Vitamin C extends the process further by increasing the bodies own production of CoQ10.

On a related note, in my opinion, there's too little information about the more powerful r-alpha-lipoic acid to suggest it at this time. While acetyl-l-carnitine HCI might *slightly* help to increase bioavailabity, especially in the elderly.


Unfortunately these supplements can be cost-prohibitive. Although, for anyone looking for an inexpensive, yet proven and fully assayed source of acetyl-L-carnitine, I use Bulk Nutrition for bulk powders. Basically an entire year's supply, or more, for only $35.04.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 grams for $24.99

Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1000 grams for $47.99

Unfortunately CoQ10 works best as a gel not powered form, and there are currently no available sources of alpha-lipoic acid in bulk powers. So, here's a really great price on MSI products sold by Vitacost. Vitacost has become amazingly great place to buy quality products for a lower price, with very reasonable shipping.

Alpha-Lipoic-Acid 300mg 120 capsules for $8.88

Alpha-Lipoic-Acid 300mg 240 capsules for $17.44

CoQ10 + Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine 60 capsules for $31.49, a year's supply for $194.56.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:28 pm

adec: OUTSTANDING information! Thank you. With xrn's WHO petition and this tasty bit of boilerplate, it has been one of my most informative and hopeful days on the site. Thanks!

Best Regards,

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Postby Ray Holder » Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:10 pm

Tessa Jupp, of the W Australia polio network, in a recent email to me, had just been to a lecture where the speaker doctor had recommended alpha lipoic acid plus Q10 and acetyl carnitine as a kick-start for the Krebs cycle in some cases, I ordered some. It arrived and I started on it today.

I am not too certain of dosage, mine are 50 mg tablets, but, from the above, a lot more seems to be required. I will keep you posted.

Note. Tessa Jupp is an invited speaker for 4 sessions at the International Polio Conference in Miami from 9-11 April to show what they do in W.A. Their work on carnitine deficiency is unique in the post polio treatment world, and gave me the clues to combat statin damage.

Ray Holder
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