Here's a great article for anyone wondering about the general differences between plain l-carnitine vs. acetyl-l-carnitine, and the mutual symbotic relationship between coenzyme Q-10 and acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid. What makes this combination so effective is the ability to fight oxidation and mitochondrial failure while crossing the blood brain barrier. I believe this synergy has been a *huge* part of my mom and aunt's statin recovery and stabilization over the past year.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid is espeically important in its ability to convert pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA, with acetyl-l-carnitine being the precursor. This is the beginning of the Krebs cycle, which is a vital part of energy production. This in-turn helps to increase the synthesis of CoQ10, the exact opposite effect of HMG-CoA inhibiting statins. Vitamin C extends the process further by increasing the bodies own production of CoQ10.
On a related note, in my opinion, there's too little information about the more powerful r-alpha-lipoic acid to suggest it at this time. While acetyl-l-carnitine HCI might *slightly* help to increase bioavailabity, especially in the elderly.
Unfortunately these supplements can be cost-prohibitive. Although, for anyone looking for an inexpensive, yet proven and fully assayed source of acetyl-L-carnitine, I use Bulk Nutrition for bulk powders. Basically an entire year's supply, or more, for only $35.04.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 grams for $24.99
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1000 grams for $47.99
Unfortunately CoQ10 works best as a gel not powered form, and there are currently no available sources of alpha-lipoic acid in bulk powers. So, here's a really great price on MSI products sold by Vitacost. Vitacost has become amazingly great place to buy quality products for a lower price, with very reasonable shipping.
Alpha-Lipoic-Acid 300mg 120 capsules for $8.88
Alpha-Lipoic-Acid 300mg 240 capsules for $17.44
CoQ10 + Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine 60 capsules for $31.49, a year's supply for $194.56.