Apollo Lipids

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Apollo Lipids

Postby Mark Wiener » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:34 am

A recent meta analysis published in The Lancet has prompted advocates of statins to prescribe more and higher doses. Apollo Lipids is touting a 24% decrease in cardio events over a claimed 35% decrease with standard doses of statins. However, the absolute reduction is only around 3.4% touted as about a 1/2% improvement. I guess the logic goes, if one less person in 200 has a cardio event, then the big jump in statin dose is worth it.

I have experienced aches and pains due to statins, ED due to statins and forgetfullness on Lipitor, elevated liver enzymes on Zocor and increased Triglycerides on Pravachol although it also decreased my LDL and HDL. I just do not fit the ideal profile of a pharmaceutical customer. Unfortunately, I must have some bad carido genetics because I have had LDL as high as 150 when I had two bypasses. I was also stupid enought to eat an Atkins diet and cheat with ice cream at that time. Nevetheless, it seems like so far I have been unable to get my LDL into the 70-80 range the cardiologists want without drugs and bad side effects.

My wife on the other hand, has perfect lipids without doing anything in particular. I am convinced genetics is the biggest factor in disease. Overall morbidity is another matter altogether because dying of cancer can be worse than heart disease sometimes.
Mark Wiener
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:36 am

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