Hello all,
I have received this message via THINCS. It is neccesary to make a noise so that the FDA is unable to wave the conflict of interests of scientists who serve on the advisory panels.
Please write your own Senator and the senators listed, especially Teddy Kennedy. Thank you.
Kind regards,
message begins...
Dear colleagues,
We've worked together in the past. I'm asking you to take a few moments out of your busy day today to take action on a measure that would reduce the impact of financial conflicts of interest at the Food and Drug Administration.
Later today, Senators Durban (D-IL) and Bingaman (D-NM) will offer an amendment to the FDA prescription drug user fee reauthorization bill today that places restrictions on the FDA's ability to waive financial conflicts of interest of scientists who serve on its 30-plus advisory committees. While this amendment does not go as far as we'd hoped, it does represent a step forward and would set the stage for a better bill to come out of conference committee later this year.
Contacting Senator Ted Kennedy would be especially helpful. His office has been very reluctant to consider changes in the status quo when it comes to eliminating conflicts of interest from FDA advisory committees.
I know many of you have real problems with the overall thrust of the bill. It does not scrap user fees in favor of general revenue funding. It does not go far enough in enhancing the safety monitoring capacities at FDA. It does not restrict direct-to-consumer advertising.
Still, if any of you have time today, it would be helpful if you could email your senators and Sen. Kennedy asking them to support the Durbin-Bingaman amendment that would reduce conflicts of interest on FDA advisory committees. The Durbin-Bingaman amendment would:
a.. Limit the number of waivers to one per Advisory Committee meeting.
a.. Spells out a process to allow experts with a financial conflict to present information to the Advisory Committee but not deliberate or vote with the committee.
a.. Enhances FDA’s outreach activities for identifying non-conflicted experts to participate in Advisory Committees.
To reach your senator, you can their email addresses and a form on this page:
You should also send an email to several key staff for key senators, including Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Dodd on the Democratic side and Sen. Enzi and Sen. Hatch on the Republican side.
Those aides are:
Sen. Kennedy (David_Bowen@help.senate.gov and (David_Dorsey@help.senate.gov)
Sen. Dodd (Tamar_Magarik@help.senate.gov)
Sen. Enzi (Amy_Muhlberg@help.senate.gov)
Sen. Hatch (Patricia_Deloatsche@help.senate.gov)
Thanks as always for your help on these issues. And forgive me for any doubleposting. There's crossover on several of my lists.
Merrill Goozner
Director, Integrity in Science
Center for Science in the Public Interest
tel: 202-777-8374