Delayed Reaction?

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Delayed Reaction?

Postby garystil » Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:06 am

Hi all,

I had been takin Zocor for over 3 years when I suffered incredible gastric problems on 24th March 2005 and ultimately stopped taking statins on 22nd August 2006. A month later I was fine and leading a normal life (vision has become blurred and skin sometimes gets a rash, but generally fine).

A few days ago, (18th July 2007) I woke up and began to feel my left thigh cramping badly, but managed to straighten it just before it really got me.

It still ached a bit a day afterwards.

Then last night in bed, I felt a strong twitch in my left leg every minute or so. I tried stretching my left leg and then putting a pillow between my legs and lying on the other side. This seemed to help and I fell asleep.

Well, I dont know whether this is just a brief episode or whether the statins are still weaving their wonderful magic and making this thing worse.

Would like some advice on this please, and in relation to Coenzyme Q10,

1. Is it ok to take it even if your body MAY not need it?
2. Does your body become dependent on it, if you start it?

My sympathies to all the sufferers out there.

Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:55 am

Postby Darrell » Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:19 am

1. I believe it was Space Doc who said somewhere here that taking too much just produces very expensive urine (i.e. -- any excess is excreted).
2. No, taking Q10 does not lead to Q10 dependency.

As someone who still has problems with one leg two and a half years after stopping Zocor, I suggest you consider stopping sooner rather than later. Some of us waited until we couldn't get up the stairs and we regret it.
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Postby Darrell » Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:23 am

Sorry, I forgot you already stopped the Zocor. Odd to get the symptoms almost a year later. The Q10 can't hurt, but you may want to pursue the possibility that the leg problems could be from something other than the Zocor.
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Postby garystil » Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:31 pm

Yes Darrell, it could be something else. It might even be something as simple as dehydration.

I rang my naturopath and she said the most common cause of cramping is dehydration. Of course people who have been on statins could justifiably argue with that.

Anyway its been very cold here in Adelaide (South Australia) and I haven't really had the urge to drink like I usually do. So yesterday I took down about 10 glasses.

I had to get up 3 times to pee, but other than I slept ok...

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Postby SusieO » Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:54 pm

RLS comes to mind from what you posted (Restless Leg Syndrome) - check that out online and look at those symptoms.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:42 pm

garystil: The primary element of the body's physiology negatively effected by Statin use is the mitochondria of each and every cell. Among other functions, the mitochondria manage cellular fluid balance and waste removal. Given the impact of these two jobs, the body's musculature could react violently if the damaged mitochondria do not function properlyl. My body had the same reaction; it got better with supplements and LOTS of water, magnesium, and, of course, lots of trips to the bathroom. Add electrolyte replenishment drinks to your daily regimen (Gatorade-like drinks) - all that urination tends to run the stuff out of you quickly, and that can cause cramping as well. Read thru the forum posts and Dr. Graveline's entries in the Statin Home Page (above). The site has been a godsend for me; I'm sure you will benefit as I and others have.


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