by Cindy54NC » Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:04 pm
I also had memory loss. I had 2 distinct episodes of complete amnesia. I also had trouble with loosing track in mid-sentence, word find, etc.
I remember when I had trouble finding the word I needed I always thought about my dad after his stroke. I'd already had a stroke workup, but worried it was a TIA (Transient ischemic "almost" stroke).
The losing track of conversation, forgetting where I was in a story, etc was embarrassing, but I attributed to menopause. I tried to do memory exercises, but did so poorly!!!
I stopped the Lipitor due to nausea and vomiting, and then found that my memory improved!! I started researching cholesterol, drugs, and diet and have decided to never go on those meds again. I'll change my diet, take supplements, but never any drug to lower or change my cholesterol!!
I still take CoQ10, which I didn't know I needed until about 6 months after stopping Lipitor, and I take a few supplements to improve my general health. My levels are high per the MDs, but HDL is up and triglycerides are way down. (Triglycerides are directly related to carbohydrate intake....if yours is too high, cut way back on your carbohydrate intake, and you should see a difference within a few months)