I suddenly developed blurred vision in less than a month after taking 5 mg of Zocor. I became alarmed when I read that one of the side effects of Zocor is blurred vision. I immediately stopped taking the drug and notified my physician who stated that he was not aware of anyone else having a side effect of blurred vision. I then contacted two retina specialists, who confirmed that I had a macular hole in each eye. My vision in my right eye deteriated in about one month while on Zocor from 20/80 to 20/160. I also now am experiencing flashes in both eyes. I'm sceduled for an operation in my right eye to hopely repair the macular hole. I find it extremely frustrating to get information to determine if Zocor had any affect on my blurred visioin and subsequent macular condition. Any information and similar experiences concerning this condition is greatly appreciated.