by tex62 » Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:06 pm
My husband’s experience with Zocor and Tricor reflects many of the symptoms that I’ve seen described on this site. He took Zocor 20 mg for just less than two years. His first symptoms were joint pain and declining sex drive. He was 61 when he started taking Zocor and his doctor attributed the symptoms to normal aging. One month after starting Zocor, his Cholesterol had improved somewhat. Total cholesterol was 182, HDL 48, LDL 102, and triglycerides 161. A year later, total cholesterol was 178, HDL 46, LDL 90, and triglycerides 209. After a year, triglycerides had increased rather than improved. His triglycerides were 94 at six months, while on a low carb diet, thus a good temporary response to a temporary diet, but not to the drugs.
After a year, symptoms included increased muscle and joint pain and impotence. His doctor still attributed this to age. We don’t have the results of the lab test done at 18 months, but numbers remained about the same as previously with triglycerides still high. As a result, his doctor added Tricor 145 mg to the Zocor 20 mg regiment. Almost immediately things started to spiral downhill. The joint and muscle pain increased. He had swelling and severe pain in his right knee. He got tired extremely easily. A month prior he had played golf five days a week, walked 18 holes, and carried his clubs with no problem. At his annual physical, he weighed 173 pounds (5 feet 8 inches), which is when the Tricor was added to the Zocor. Within a month, he lost 8 pounds. He appeared to lose muscle weight throughout his body.
He went to an orthopedic surgeon who diagnosed a torn cartilage in his knee. Following surgery to repair the torn cartilage, the doctor presented pictures that were taken during surgery. He said that he knew for sure why the cartilage had torn. The pictures revealed many sharp gouty crystals which had literally torn the cartilage. There was even some damage to the bone. My husband had a gout attack about 40 years ago. Since then, he has taken either Benemid or Allopuranol to control the gout and did not have problems until the cholesterol lowering medicines were added.
During the knee surgery, my husband’s blood pressure got very high (190/93). The next week, it was about the same at the dentist office; thus another visit to our GP. She was surprised to hear that gout had caused the torn cartilage and that the blood pressure was so high. About this time a new symptom developed. My husband suddenly developed severe pain in his right hand that appeared to be carpal tunnel syndrome. He also developed a great sensitivity to cold. At that point, I started researching all of these symptoms. Among other things, I found this web site. In the process of reading the latest Zocor and Tricor product information sheets, I learned that all the symptoms – weakness, painful muscles, fatigue, impotence, hypertension and gout are side effects of Zocor and Tricor, with hypertension and gout being listed as a side effect of Tricor. My husband went back to the doctor for a follow up to the high blood pressure. At that appointment, he told her about the research we had done and that he felt certain the problems were ALL related to the drugs – Zocor and Tricor. She agreed that he should stop taking them.
Within 10 days of stopping the drugs, the impotence was gone. Within 2 weeks the muscle and skeletal pain in the legs was almost completely gone, as well as the sensitivity to the cold. He has been to see a hand and wrist specialist and is scheduled for muscle and nerve tests this month to confirm a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome in his right wrist. Both arms are very weak, and there is still pain in the shoulders and upper arms. Before the drug related problems started, he played golf a lot and had great flexibility and strength in his upper body. Prior to age 60, he was a pilot and had annual FAA mandated physicals. He was in excellent health. Now it is difficult to raise his arms to his side at shoulder height or grip things with his hands. If good attitude could cure, my husband would already be fully recovered. He’s been on a low carbohydrate diet for about three months and plans to continue that since high triglycerides seem to respond to this diet. When he was taking Zocor, he also took 100 mg of Q-10 each day. Now he has increased that to 150 mg twice a day. There doesn’t seem to be much information available, even among doctors, as to how to treat patients who have been injured by these drugs. If any of you have had similar muscle and nerve problems and recovered, I would appreciate any advice as to what you did to help aide in the recovery process. For those of you who have taken high doses of Q-10 and the B vitamins, has this brought about complete recovery from your statin induced symptoms?