My husband took [b]lovastatin[/b] for about 6 months. A year and a half ago, I took him off the medication, without consulting the doctor. The doctor, whenever I complained, attributed his memory loss and confusion to his age. Yes...somewhat...but, this was different. My husband is a very active and intelligent 80 year old.
Anyway, within 3 days of coming off the medication, he told me that the "fog" was lifting. Now, 18 months later, the fog is gone...but the memory and confusion, sporatically, come and go. He is most upset that his desire to work, his passion, is null.
Yesterday, he started taking 150 mg. of C0 Q-10. What can we expect?
I'm not so concerned about his memory which is, as he states, coming and going in waves, but his lack of any enthusiam in his work. He's a professional writer and has always been at his desk. Now, his interest and passion for writing is not there. Last night, he even complained that he lacks the enthusiasm to write anything...and this has never occured in his life time.
Will the enzyme help? If so, when would we notice a change? I'm not looking for miracles...just for him to, perhaps, get some of his work desire back.