Statins and vasculitis?

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Statins and vasculitis?

Postby catspajamas » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:19 pm

The higher triglycerides /bl sugars interests me because when I was on statins I developed vasculitis which I still suffer from after being off statins 5 years...did statins damage my arteries(like it did most everthing else? anyone else experience this?....any suggestions?
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Postby adec » Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:12 am

Hey catspajamas. :) It's certainly a possibility. Doctors tell us that statins prevent inflammation and even reverse artery diseases, but our own anecdotal stories suggest differently. Vasculitis is a fairly serious medical condition not to be taken lightly.

I would suggest vitamin K2 for overall arterial health and for chronic artery wall inflammation: thiamine (vitamin B1 or better yet, a general multi-B vitamin,) mixed vitamin-E, alpha lipoic acid, and -- of course -- fish oil. :) Especially alpha lipoic acid not only chelates metals (allowing further recruitment of infection fighting white blood cells) but inhibits atherosclerosis or inflammation of the arterial blood vessels. Another great metal chelator is IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate) or simple rice bran administered on an empty stomach.... safe and extremely effective. As always, good luck and good health.
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Postby catspajamas » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:39 am

I thank you for your prompt response to my query about tri's/bl sugars...and my vasculitis...I am under the care of a vasculitis specialist and so far(thank goodness) he sees no damage to major organs...except I do have some decreased lung function that could be from statins or residual damage from my smoking 30 years..I am in a flare now, but its fall and every chronic illness flares when seasons change...For the flares I go to a dermatologist and they have to give me cortisone injections, anti itch meds...Its a "wonderful" that I live in now...Mobility is limited, strength is limited, energy is limited....etc..I suspected the statins may of had something to do with my bl sugars when I was on statins...The doc I had was already to give me something for diabetes, but I said wait..see what diet does...then when I went off statins within a year, with no basic diet change my tri's and bl sugar went back down to normal....I already take R alpha Lipoic acid for nerve help , a B complex and have K2 sitting in the cubbard so guess I am on the right trac. I hope this will "help" someone else who is on statins that all of a sudden finds theirself "diabetic".......
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