No, for most people what is called elavated or high cholesterol is normal. Using some arbitrary number for ALL people is looney. We don't all have the same cholesterol needs. No, for most a number is just a symptom that may indicate a problem or be totaly innocent.Hyer tension is not a disease but a symptom of a problem that can only be delt with by addressing the cause. Treating symptoms does none of this." My disease may not be fatal, but I can ease my fears, by taking to twelve dollar pills each day for fifty years." That's a line from, "For The Drugs I need" $438,000 over a fifty year span. That's a killing.
The commercials for statins clearly state, statin X... "has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or heart disease."
So why do you want to risk so much on so little return? Why take them? It just don't see the sense in it for 995 out of 1,000 people. Why do they call it a simple liver test? Who cares if it is simple? Why should I not be alarmed about a serious side effect that includes wasting of muscle tissue?! I know what the heart is. I can think of many ways to protect your heart and all help greatly. The info is out there in great amounts. You just can't get much useful info from the media because of the confict of interest. All drug commercials I find silly, offensive and insulting. They should be illegal.