I was on 40 mg. of Zocor for two years when I developed leg pain and weakness.
I was put on Zetia, which didn't relieve the problem.
Then I was put on 48 mg. of TriCor for a month and I experienced no pain, but there was no change in the cholesterol levels, so it was increased to 145 mg. last week.
Have any of you been on TriCor?
I can be pain free if I don't extend my legs for a long period of time. When drove to see my Dr. last week, with a two hour round trip, the pain returned.
The next day I was hobbling around. Do any of you experience these same side effects?
I understand that TriCor is a very expensive drug, and the pharmacy at my military base will no longer be dispensing it, so I will have to pay the co-pay. Not a problem if it works.
Any feedback you can give me would be helpful. Thanks.