Statin Adverse Effects: Implications for the Elderly

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Statin Adverse Effects: Implications for the Elderly

Postby adec » Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:59 pm

Here is a May/June 2004 report in the Geriatric Times by Beatrice A. Golomb, M.D., Ph.D. about why cholesterol is actually a protectant in the elderly, and how lowering cholesterol could INCREASE mortality and have serious implications.


Some other key observations concerning side effects:

....."Muscle problems are the most common reported adverse effects of statins, according to an observational database maintained by the University of California at San Diego Statin Study group. Perhaps the most feared adverse effect of statins is rhabdomyolysis--a condition in which there is severe breakdown of muscle tissue that may be toxic to the kidneys and result in kidney failure or death."

....."Muscle problems associated with statins may be more common among the elderly."

....."Cognitive problems also occur with statins and may also have more impact in elderly patients. Two randomized trials that were designed to assess cognitive effects of statins have shown worsening in cognitive function (Muldoon et al., 2002, 2000). In addition, several case reports (King et al., 2003, 2001; Orsi et al., 2001) and one large case series (involving 60 patients) (Wagstaff et al., 2003) have reported deleterious cognitive effects of statins on memory and cognitive function."

....."It must be emphasized that the randomized trial evidence has, to date, uniformly failed to show cognitive benefits by statins and has supported no effect or frank and significant harm to cognitive function."

....."A large variety of other adverse effects have been reported with statins, including (but not limited to) gastrointestinal and neurological effects, psychiatric problems, immune effects (e.g., lupus-like syndrome), erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men), rash and skin problems, and sleep problems."

....."Because statins have been reported to cause cancer in animals, the significant increase in cancer cannot be dismissed as necessarily a fluke."

....."Heart failure may also occur in patients taking statin therapy. In some people, the myopathic effects of statins may impair heart pumping function (Silver et al., 2003)."

....."Observational studies show that as age increases within the elderly age range, high cholesterol flattens then reverses as a risk factor for mortality (Weverling-Rijnsburger et al., 1997)."
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Postby vipergg22 » Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:02 am

I know if I was over like 70 I would never even consider taking cholesterol meds , just my opinion though.
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In my opinion

Postby poohhel » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:03 pm

[quote="vipergg22"]I know if I was over like 70 I would never even consider taking cholesterol meds , just my opinion though.[/quote]

My Opinion (and I think I speak for quite a few others on this board)-- I will NEVER EVER consider cholesterol meds again regardless of my age... just my opinion ... but I want to live to 70 with quality of life.

My doctor told me I need to make a decision on how to get my cholesterol down... Vytorin, Zetia or some other miracle drug... and I told him...

No! the only decision I need to make is whether I want to live to 70 or 80 and climb every mountain OR live to be 80 or 90 in a wheelchair... The choice is simple Quality over Quantity. And this is only if the doctors really believe high cholesterol is the problem.

I am also at an opinion that my body makes it because it needs it, so don't mess with one of God's creations.
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