arm bruises

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arm bruises

Postby bob819 » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:49 am

Has anyone experienced arm bruises? If so, do you please have information on how to treat them? thanks
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arm bruises

Postby Kathy » Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:40 am

Hubby has been on prednisone for a couple of years and the bruising on the arms got so bad that his arms were a solid purple. I had read about a cancer supplement treatment from Hungary called Avemar that they have found also helped people with immune diseases so we tried it. It is sold in the States as 'Ave' because the FDA will not approve it and it is therefore sold as a supplement. All it is is a fermented wheat germ extract. Anyhow, they say that it generally takes about 6 weeks to notice a difference. After 6 weeks we noticed that the purple bruising on his arms was fading. It has been about 6 months and his arms look almost like normal with just a spot here and there. It is a little bit pricey but it seemed to work.

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Arm bruising

Postby bunnylady » Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:56 pm

When I began Lipitor I noticed my arms easily bruised, especially around the area where I wore my watch- I mentioned it to several doctors but they chalked it up to old age, at age 57- I too take Prednisone for the Lipitor side effects and my arms are marked with purple spots- nothing you can do but I will try Kathy's supplement

Kathy my docs say they want me off prednisone but I feel I'll be unable to walk and in bed all day if I get off it- , what dose does your husband take and is it for Lipitor side effects-
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Postby Kathy » Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:37 pm

My husband's problems started with Pravocal and then Lipitor way back when (1997-8) He progressively went down hill until he developed polymagalia rhuematica and temporal arteritis. Because of the temporal arteritis they started him a 60 mg per day. Mayo is trying to wean him off the prednisone because he has developed a toxicity to the stuff. He is at present at 12 mg of pred and they want him at 10 by his next appointment in December. He is dropping 1/2 mg about every two weeks and seems to get along pretty well with this small drop. He generally has about 3 bad days after each drop where he is crabby, aches, and the cane is a constant companion. It is generally worse if the weather is overcast, cold, and rainy.

We have learned to drop real slow because the lower one gets the bigger percentage of a drop you will have. Prednisone shuts down the adrenal glands and you have to give them a chance to start working again.

He has been having problems with absessed teeth the last few months probably caused by the prednisone. I think they are going to check him for mercury toxicity next time he goes for the tests. (The amount of mercury in the silver fillings are anywhere from 30 to 70 % and mercury is released from these fillings everytime one chews or drinks hot liquids.)

I also might mention another alternative to 'Ave'. I am not sure if it will help the bruising like 'Ave' does but it is the same type of supplement.
It's name is Epicor and it a fermented brewers yeast product that was originally manufactured in Cedar Rapids as an animal supplement. The health insurance company that insures this manufacturing facility noted that the company had very few health problems compared to other companies. When they checked it out the people that worked in the manufacturing end of the plant had very few claims compared to those who worked in the offices. Their families would get the flu and they wouldn't. This has led to a new company called Embria Health services. The price on it ranges from $10 for a 30 day supply up to about $30 depending on where you get it from. We get ours from Swanson Health Products.

Sorry, this is probably a lot more info than you asked for. I sometimes get carried away.
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