Junk science for all (from The Times)

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Junk science for all (from The Times)

Postby xrn » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:02 pm


After you read this, some people may feel like adding their own comments.

regards to all.
Jeff (aka xrn)
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Postby adec » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:44 pm

That's absolutely reprehensible.
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Postby Biologist » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:40 am

I liked your comments after the article, xrn.

Very nice.

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Postby Allen1 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:56 am

After reading that "while there was no evidence of unexpected side-effects". I replied with the following. (so far it has not yet been printed)

Does this mean that they were aware that statins would cause serious harm to people? How many folk did they estimate would have memory problems where they would not be able to recall the names of their family members or even finish off a complete sentence without forgetting what they were saying and even start slurring when they talk?

How many people are left with muscular problems and fatigue that often stays after stopping the medication and in some cases becomes permanent? The side effects from statins are horrendous and while people keep saying that "STATINS ARE A WONDER DRUG" all I can say is you take them and see what happens to your body and mind.

Just google "statin side effects" and see what comes up!!!

by the way you can almost guarantee if you have problems with statins, that your Doctor wont believe that this medication is the culprit.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:36 pm

xrn: Careless, reckless, thoughtless, reprehensible, etc., etc. There was a cartoon in the right margin that showed a person falling through a crack; related or not to the subject, it spelled out my feelings as I read the article. Of course I added a comment. What a bunch of Bozos.


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Postby xrn » Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:17 pm

Thanks for your kind words, Biologist. Hi Brooks, how are things with you? I thing it is wrong that this stuff is all hidden away from patients. We cannot make informed choices if we do not have access to the information. I am not sure what to do about it but I am working on it. As far as I can see, we are not informed and, frequently, neither are our medical practitioners.

If this is the current situation then it would leave us with the dumb situation where the drug companies are calling the shots... oh wait! :roll:

I think that the use of 'press releases' like the one under scrutiny, is a cynical exercise in marketing 'cures' based on junk science. I don't see any kind of contradictory articles that would provide both balance and more information. That the medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies can keep this knowledge hidden fromus, the very people they want to imbibe statins, is at best, a deeply cynical manipulation of information that ought to be in the public domain.

At worst... it is the deliberate deceit of the supposedly unwell public; for little more than pecuniary gain. It requires a mindset that shouts, "so what if a few patients get sick or die from the great boon we have bestowed on civilised man... at leats it wont interfere with our vast profits".

I think it ought to be tested under the current human rights legislation. I wont have any problem proving that my doctor is ill-educated anent the matter of cholesterol and heart disease. I have spent a few months look at various legislative instruments and how one might run a case. I am making slow progress. It is the priniciple reason for letting the TalkingStatins website languish for a longer time period than I would have liked. I am updating the website a lot more frequently now and I have found a format that suits the subject, so check back weekly. ;)

Regards, to all.
Jeff (aka xrn)

(aka good grief! your total cholesterol value is well above 8 so you must be suffering from Familial Hypercholesterolaemia and we must bring it down to normal levels with a statin)

(aka known now, by my family medical practitioner, as "no thanks, doc... I would rather die without knowing what statins can do for my health")
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:09 pm

That is so funny! Didn't they read the fine print on the Crestor commercials or Lipitors own web sight when they had the disclaimer on them that said "It has not been proven that this drug prevents heart attack or strokes!"????? I swear, they had them for awhile but have since dissapeared.
Cat Mom2
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