by billcat » Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:00 am
Maybe my experience will be helpful to someone.
About 9 years ago, around age 52 or so, I was prescribed a minimal dose of Zocor when my cholesterol went a little above the then-defined upper range, to 215.
I thought it would be great to lower my cholesterol without changine my eating habits, as I love rich foods, butter, steaks, etc. The Zocor held my total cholesterol to below 170, often falling to 150. I continued to eat anything I wanted. I was living in Germany at that time, and loved bratwurst and salami too.
Shortly thereafter, I began having episodes of debilitating lower back pain, that would incapacitate me -- couldn't drive, could only sit, had to take massive doses of NSAID even to mute the pain. This after a lifetime of very healthy back functioning, in fact, very healthy overall bodily functioning.
I decided I must finally be getting old. There was no spinal or disc problem. I also began having knee problems, joint aches, particularly upon arising in the AM, could barely walk. Again, aging, I said.
I began seeing a chiropractor regularly, and later sought acupuncture for pain, as the back episodes become more frequent and more painful. I attribuated the increase to my being more sedentary as I got older. (Can you tell I had yet to develop and "alternate medicine" consciousness?)
Recently after hearing my sister complain of some of these symptoms in connection with her statin drug, I decided to try an experiement and see how I would react to not taking the drug anymore.
I checked with my doctor, and we agreed that I would discontinue it while he monitored my blood levels. I stopped taking it this past summer, June of '05, after 9 years use.
At age 61, I felt already at least 10 years younger. I no longer had to creep up and down the stairs, able to bound up and down as I did when in my late 40s. My back pain has gone, despite some recent Home Improvement projects that involved much bending, twisting, and heavy lifiting. I sit in front of the computer for hours, and my back feels completely normal, no more muscle aches or pains. In the morning, I can walk downstairs normally, without hanging onto the rail.
My cholesterol has risen back to around 200, but of course that's now consider WNL, and all the other readings are also WNL.
I will never go back to these drugs, no matter what their other beneficial effects. i would rather feel like I'm 45, at 75, than live to 90 but feel 95 the whole time.
I realize that others have much higher lipid levels due to genetic or other factors, and might need to take the drugs, but I'd urge people to at least try alternatives if they feel like they're aging more than they'd like.
BTW, I recently tried taking Policosanol, and within a few hours began to have the same muscle and joint symptoms I had with Zocor, described above. They went away within a day when I didn't take any more of the supplement.