Experience with Doctor

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Experience with Doctor

Postby Dondo747 » Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:18 pm

Last year, my Doctor had put me on Lovastatin, and after a few months I seemed to be getting absent-minded. My wife says it was pronounced. Of course, being the absent-minded one, I didn't realize I was absent-minded. My doctor never mentioned anything about the possible side effects of statins, or that I probably should take CoQ10 supplements because statins retard essential CoQ10 in the system.

Also, on my second visit, I started to discuss the side effects of statins, and he pointedly told me that my second visit that he was so impressed with statins that they should be in the water supply, so I took that as a signal that he was not open-minded about patient input on medication.

I stopped taking Lovastatin on my own, went on a diet and lost 30 pounds. Six months later, I took a new blood test and went to see the doctor again. My cholesterol had gone up (150 to 250) because I hadn't been taking the Lovastatin for the last six months, but my triglycerides went down (360 to 330). I told him I had stopped the Lovastatin 6 months before.

My doctor was pissed, and called me a "liar," because I didn't immediately tell his nurse that I had stopped taking the drug. (I wanted to hear the test results before I got into that, since I had lost 30 pounds and thought that would make a bigger difference. I had been about 215 and now I’m about 180. I'm 5' 9").

The good doctor cut short the interview and petulantly wrote out a replacement prescription for my blood pressure pills, which I’m still taking, though I’m cutting them myself to half strength. (my blood pressure was down to 75 / 45 one day). I wonder now why the doctor didn’t mention the possibility that low blood pressure might cause severe problems. The doctor seemed more interested in nursing his wounded ego than in my health. I had wanted to discuss a few other issues that I was having, but he showed me the door. Needless to say, I’m looking for another doctor.
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Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:48 am

Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:38 am

They flat out don't want to hear about the negative side effects of a drug THEY gave us. I guess not knowing helps them feel better when they write out the Rx for the next person but I have no doubt, one day, it will all blow up in their face and they can say "BUT.... nobody told us about this and none of the patients complained!". I tired to complain also but was cut real short by my doctor too.

They have been sold a bad bill of goods by the big pharma's and they have bought it, hook, line, and sinker. To me, it makes them look like idiots that can be bought with a few trinkets and a plate of cookies.

I learned years ago, that if the standard coarse of treatment don't work, they don't want to hear about it because they just don't know what to do next. I had a friend they almost killed with their newest medicine and she refused to take it anymore so they labled her crazy, called her insurance and told them she was refusing treatment, who in turn called her and told her that if she didn't stick with the treatment, they would no longer pay for her care. Fast forward about 5 years and now they have discovered that treatment does effect some people the same way she said it was effecting her. But they were lost as to what to do with her, other than to lable her crazy.

In being treated for all the statin related problems I am still having now, going into 2 years off of it, the doctors ask me how I got this "injury" and I simply say, "I took statin drugs" and they are so quick to go on to the next question without even looking. They just DON'T want to hear it!

It is a shame that we have to educate ourselves because our doctors won't educate themselves on any or all possiable side effects of all these newer drugs they are so quick to give us and will not listen to their patients. They can not connect a sudden rash of new peoblems with the new drug they gave them. I have lost a lot of trust and respect for doctors since all this happened to me.... Now, I am the one they think is crazy..
Cat Mom2
Posts: 250
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:18 pm

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