Weakened immune system after statin use

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Weakened immune system after statin use

Postby djo » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:52 pm

I had taken Advicor for just 4 months last year. After many side effects that were most undesirable I refused to take it any longer. I am now using the regimine that Dr. Graveline suggests. My complaint now is that the use has seemed to wipe out my immune system. I have always been an active person, walking and working out on a regular basis. Now I find I am always sick, I have had every bug out there many over and over. Most years I would rarely use my medical insurance nor meet my deductible, however by the end of January this year it had met the deductible easily. I am still somewhat fatigued, however when I am not sick I do feel great. I am just wondering if anyone else has suffered this side effect which I am sure is somehow connected to the medication.
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Postby mousa » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:07 am

Dear djo,

I suggest you see your doctor and put the question to him/her about your immune system ? being low. There are blood tests that will determine what your immune system is doing. You must speak with your doctor about the change in your health and your concerns. And, after that, if you are still worried, you should get another opinion. Good luck. Do let us know what the outcome is.
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Statins and low immune....

Postby Joanne Mueller » Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:16 pm

djo: The suggestion that you contact doctor re "low immune" is important. How did you determine your immune function has been lowered? The blood test -- "CBC'w with differentials" will provide some insight into immune status by giving white cell count as well as lymphocyte and neutrophil counts. If those are way out of whack, it can be assumed your immune counts may be off BUT in order to know about "immune specifically," you would need to have blood drawn for overall IGG's plus IgG subclasses.

I am "not an expert," but rather "a victim" of EMF/EMR (electromagnetic field/electromagnetic radiation) exposures. Two grandsons w/rare immune deficiencies. They were sleeping next to walls opposite electric meters. We were told they may develop Leukemia.

I conducted guinea pig studies by placing cages against back bedroom wall opposite electric meter in my home. Their CBC's with diffs did reveal drastic blood changes -- severe neutropenia and lymphocytosis -- which are, in fact an indication of immune dysfunction and possibly even a pre-Leukemia!!!

Husband was sleeping w/electric clock radio on nightstand and "improved" after we moved it across the room. Next neuropsych tests five months later confirmed improvement. He also had been taking LIPITOR for many years and MEVACOR prior to that time.

Since discontinuing the LIPITOR, he is now able to enjoy going for walks again. He had stopped going on our little hikes due to bad leg pains and now the pains are gone!!!

His memory problems, unfortunately, are not responding quite as well. We do have him on Co-Q-10 as Dr. Graveline recommends although can not afford a very large amount that might help him further. Three Omega 3's a day (fish oil) plus folic acid and B-complex and other supplements are helping.

I am not a medical professional, of course, but can share that we both benefit greatly from taking Melatonin at night right before bed!!!

We know from Dr. Graveline's excellent work that Co-Q-10 is robbed from brain by statins. The same thing occurs when a person is sleeping next to electrical items including those little black power supply boxes for cordless phones, etc.

EMF/EMR robs one of vital Melatonin. Not having enough Melatonin not only causes poor sleep but will also cause persons to feel very fatigued!!!

Best wishes to you for improvement now that you are off statins!! If you are exposed to harmful effects of statins PLUS sleeping close to electrical items/phone equipment, etc., you will get doubling/tripling of adverse effects!!!!

Feel free to email me at jcmpelican@aol.com if you have questions regarding electrical exposures at night. I always say this can cause everything from poor sleep all the way to cancer and I am currently writing book titled "inflammation and EMF/EMR" with a scientist from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Joanne Mueller 731 - 123rd Ave. N.W., Minneapolis, MN 55448-2127 Phone: 763-755-6114
Joanne Mueller
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weakened immune system after statin use

Postby djo » Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:58 pm

Thank you for the information, a very interesting study that you are involved with, I too had questioned a doctor several years ago about sleeping near and electrical appliance. At the time we were sleeping on an older water bed and I was positioned just above the heating unit. He assured me that none of the problems with sleep that I was going through had anything to do with that. My husband prefers a wind-up clock and mine is across the room. I have nothing elecrical near my bed.
I have recently had a lot of blood work done and another ultrasound scan on my carotid arteries. I will go in the 23rd to get results. There was some blockage previously that is why I started the advicor to begin with. Also my cholesterol is a rare type that is inherited, it is small dense LDL, which means that the bad is very tiny and wedges it's way into your arteries with few symptoms. It does not show on a normal test as normal cholesterol is fluffy. That is why I was on the combination advicor, it contains a statin and niacin, the niacin fluffs up the cholesterol and the statin removes it. I will never take another statin so it will be interesting to see what the doctor has to say, I have been following the regimen listed on this site with the supplements so hopefully it is helping. I just don't know if it will with mine being an odd sort of problem.
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