by Ray Holder » Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:11 pm
I can't say for certain that ubiquinol doesn't work for me, but when i first tried it hoping that it was twice as effective as ubiquinone, my danger signals, angina and BP started appearing. I was only taking it as a part of my Q10 dose.
Lately, I had read that U'Quinol lastes longer in the body, I think 9 hours was quoted, and I started taking some as part of one daily dose, which I have now moved to my evening dose. I take my BP twice a day, and notice that my evening pulse rate has been quite high for a few days, that may be due to other causes, but I will persist with it to see if it really is a feature of it for me, or not. So I must wait and see.
Q10 in sufficient quantity is absolutely essential for me, I believe that without it I would soon expire from heart failure, not because of heart muscle weakness, but because lack of sufficient Q10 in the heart muscle mitochondria stops the creation of Adenosine triphosphate, which is the muscles' energy fuel, and the muscle loses its ability to pump satisfactorily.
I can't say that I yet find any benefit from the use of U'quinol over the original, and as I have to get it from USA, unless there is an offer on, the value rises above the £18 duty free price, and have to pay the £3 duty,also I have to pay Royal Mail an £8 handling fee. I have just ordered 60 x 200 mg capsules from iherb, and in total I will pay about £12, and no Customs hassle.