Business Week Cover Story

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Business Week Cover Story

Postby Darrell » Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:07 pm

The cover story in the latest issue of Business Week magazine calls statins into question.

It looks like the whole Zetia/Vytorin ENHANCE study mess may be a tipping point. Big pharma may have just lost its hold on the mainstram media.
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:38 am

Let's hope now that the ball is rolling, it will only gain speed. You can bet the big pharma already knew this and kept it quiet so they could make their money.

Now, to convience the doctors who are so brainwashed that they can not think for themselves! I just hope they realize what fools that have been and learn to QUIT trusting those who profit from selling this poison and other poisons they will produce in the future!

The government and they whole system had bought into this con job and all I can say is SHAME ON YOU!
Cat Mom2
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Postby adec » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:02 am


Posted by Gregory Pokrywka MD, FACP
Jan 22, 2008 12:16 PM GMT
NOT a great article! Many factual errors and inaccurate statements. The statins work and they are very safe (recent review of potential neurological side effects of statins by the National Lipid Assn. ( finds no solid evidence of a connection ). Your comment section rejects a more complete and lenghty rebuttal. Cholesterol does not cause cardiovascular disease; an excessive number of cholesterol particles in the circulation does, and the difference is critical. The ENHANCE trial (Vytorin vs Zetia), hormone therapy trials and Avandia mess are simply bad interpretations/ bad science/ bad analysis. No fire behind the smoke. Gregory Pokrywka MD, FACP Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Women?s Menopausal Health Assistant Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Inaugural Diplomate American Board Clinical Lipidology Certified Menopause Practitioner: North American Menopause Society Director: Baltimore Lipid Center



Posted by seandgreen at 01:16 PM : Jan 18, 2008
greeneyes222 wrote: "…it''s appalling that drugs like these are approved by the FDA with so little regard to the side effects and effects of long term use. The word of the FDA is absolutely no comfort to patients, since they have long since become nothing but a marketing arm for pharmaceutical companies."

Whoa now....

There is ABSOLUTELY regard for both side effects and long-term use -- neither of which is a guaranteed IF you take the medications. Just because someone takes statins DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT HE/SHE WILL HAVE SIDE EFFECTS. Sure, I've had MULTIPLE medications that do not agree with my patients. It's absurd to propose they continue to take them, so often we opt for another and change -- commonly resulting in NO side effects and tolerability. Many of these statins have been on the market for YEARS, and the safety of the medications continues to outweigh the risks. Many people will forever try to find a reason NOT to take their medications...and pay the ultimate price. Unfortunately, I've been privy to this with a few of my patients. They read all this C R A P from people who want to believe in the EVILS of medications, rather than benefits. So they stop their meds.

Nothing like seeing someone die because they stopped taking their medications. AND don't EVEN begin to suggest how "it might have happened anyhow." I'm telling you, medications DO help; save lives, and improve the QUALITY of life for millions. I'm not about to put my butt on the line with an ideological conspiracy-based nitwit who comes up with a novel way to sell books to uneducated dolts, because they have an opinion that goes against evidence based practice. What garbage. I’d like to keep my license, thank you.

I agree, there’s a lot of revamping that needs to take place in the FDA, but the comment of being %u2018in cahoots’ with Pharma is not exactly true either. There, once again, are far too many people who would like to agree with this conjecture, but there’s only opinion and no proof. If so, then how come the FDA fines these companies for millions of dollars? Biting the hand that feeds it? I suggest….not. Let’s try again.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:51 pm

adec: Do you know who 'seandgreen' is and how onw might provide him with an #$%$%# opposing view? What a completly myopic dolt! He must be so grateful to the US military for rescuing his ignorant backside from Granada Med School.

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Postby garystil » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:34 pm

A severe side effects experience might just give seandgreen a little more perspective.
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Postby Allen1 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:45 am

Who on earth is this idiot "seandgreen" and what planet is he living on?

Like everyone else on this and many other sites, I didn't have a clue what was making me tired/exhausted forgetting things and even peoples names who I have known for many years. All the aches and pains, cramps and mood swings, exhaustion, slurred speech etc were not even known to be a problem from statins by most doctors including my own.

If it wasn't for sites like this one and the mainly accurate references and advice given by people who actually have gone through and often are still going through the effects of Statin poisoning, I wonder where I would be now?

After 11 months without statins, I can actually think clearly most days, this is one hell of an improvement from when I was taking them. I still get tired easily and some days are a lot better than others until you try just a little too hard again and it can take days to get back to where you were.


if you are reading this then please seek medical help for that nasty habit you have, sniffing glue or taking crack cocaine or whatever you seem to be using, it really has blown your mind BIG STYLE. Go and get some professional help and try to come back to reality. What people are talking about is something that is REAL so do something useful with your life and look at the information that is available to you, also you will also see that in many cases if a patient has had a reaction to a particular statin, then that same patient will often react similarly to another manufacturers statin as mentioned in several posts and other sites/forums.

Please read what people have actually experienced before claiming that sites like this are full of "uneducated dolts", it would appear that you are the uneducated dolt to have written such a stupid and inaccurate post!
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Postby Ray Holder » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:34 pm

Have you noticed that the current week's Business weekly has a cover story about Lipitor, which is quite hard hitting. there is also a podcast of the editor and the author speaking together. You can find it from a link on the above url.

Spacedoc has made the first comment

Ray Holder
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