My name is Charlie, I'm a 52 year old first time visitor to this fine forum from the UK, please be kind
Over the past few Months I have been suffering from increasingly severe bouts of stomach upset. My symptoms begin with gas being produced in vast amounts which causes my gut to swell up alarmingly, this in turn leads to agonising cramp style pains which debilitate me entirely. Sometimes I wish I could just plunge a knife into my guts to get shot of the trapped wind but as this wouldn't be a particularly life enhancing remedy, I end up parked on the lavatory for hours on end, trying to pass that which will not be passed! Eventually the pain will subside, usually after about four or five hours and something approaching normal life can then be resumed. These attacks seem to be occurring on pretty much a weekly basis.
Naturally I visited my GP and shared all the gory details with her, she diagnosed me as having IBS which as I'm a pretty stressed out kinda guy, I accepted as being highly probable. However the anti-spasm drug she gave me has no effect on my distress what so ever, so now I'm not so sure about her diagnosis.
Quite a few friends of mine suggested that I might have a wheat intolerance but I can eat a whole bakery and the symptoms won't occur, my stomach problems seem, to me at least, to have a rhythm all of their own which is regardless of diet or life events.
So I started thinking, if it's not IBS or an allergy, what in heaven's name could it be? what am I doing different to when my guts was behaving itself.
My memory is somewhat shady when considering events of over a year ago but it was about that time I began taking Simvador (Simvastatin), I had particularly high bad cholesterol which diet hadn't affected so a 40mg tablet of the above was prescribed once nightly.
If I recall correctly, I seem to remeber that at about the same time as taking the Statin I became increasingly flatulent (not something I made notes of in my diary!) again, if I recall correctly, about six Months into taking the drug, I started getting bad bouts of stomach pain, nothing like now but bad enough to mention to my GP, from then on the severity and the frequency of the attacks has increased until today, as I said, these interludes happen about once a week and are completely debilitating.
When one Googles the common side effects of Statins, high on the list is always, gas, bloating, nausea, stomach upset, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, etc, all of which I can hold my hand up to and say, "been there, done that, made a mess on the tee-shirt!" and yet when I searched this fine forum in the hope of finding some corroberative evidence, it appears that nobody else seems to be suffering from the same symptoms.
So dear forum members, have I gone mad on top of my gastric disorders? is there a chance that what I am going through could be down to the Statins I am ingesting on a daily basis? Please, if any of you have suffered on a similar scale, be so kind as to let me know.
I have a further GP's appointment next week and I just know that she will tell me to not be silly, it's IBS and keep taking the tablets! but if my 'gut feeling' is correct and the Statins are the root cause of my constant grief, having a few supportive statements from the kind people here would be incredibly useful.
Many thanks for reading this epistle, I truly appreciate it.
Kind regards from the UK, Charlie.