After posting back in Oct., I wasn't going to go back on this horrid drug. My husband kept badgering me about having high cholesterol again and that my dr. would have a fit if I just quit taking it. So, to prove a point, and to make sure that it wasn't all in my head, I started taking it again...guess what? All the symptoms came back with a vengance. I know now, without a doubt that this drug does indeed have all the side effects that I mentioned earlier. I can't exist in this world and not be able to function as a human being. I hurt all the time, every joint hurts so bad, I hate to move. I can't do many of the things I used to and have to depend on someone to help me. It hurts to walk, sit down or stand up. I've come to realize when it hurts to get up or sit down at church, it's time to take a stand and say NO MORE.
I shouldn't have listened to my husband and gone through all this again, but I truly had to find out myself if I could be one of the lucky ones and not actually have problems.
This is my rant for what it's worth. I'd rather fight high cholesterol and deal with an angry dr. He blew me off last time, so I don't expect him to belive me this time...but this time, I don't care. I KNOW HOW I FEEL.