Statins: Doctors ignore patients� complaints of reactions

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Statins: Doctors ignore patients� complaints of reactions

Postby adec » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:03 pm

Statins: Doctors ignore patients� complaints of reactions to drugs
13 September 2007

Does your doctor listen when you tell him that you are reacting to a drug he�s prescribed for you?
According to a new study, he probably doesn�t. In fact, he rarely believes that the drug is to blame for your real � or imagined � reactions.

This familiar scenario was drawn yet again by a new study, this time involving 650 patients who had complained of a reaction after taking a statin, the cholesterol-lowering drug.

(Source: Drug Safety, 2007; 30: 669-75).
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Postby SusieO » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:22 am

Gosh they should have asked us and not the doctors if statins can cause muscle damage - we would not doubt or dismiss it! :wink:
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:42 pm

Every complaint I had got dismissed by the doctor and I never suspect the statin until I was almost disabled. Every new complaint brought a new Rx from the doctor until I had a bag full to take daily. Haven't needed any of them since I quit the statin.
Cat Mom2
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Postby Esmeralda » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:42 pm

Yep. Sounds about right. My problem was with the tendons, not the muscles. Complete denial by my family physician (and friend) of 20 years because "if anything, statins attack the muscles not the tendons". Apparently mine was due to "arthritic changes" in my knee, which magically began to subside after I stopped taking the Crestor. I don't know what my numbers are, but my blood pressure (which was never high) is lower now that I take my Vitamin B's, my ground flaxseed, and my Vitamin C cocktail. Don't know what my cholesterol is now, but I am not going to worry about it.
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Postby catspajamas » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:09 am

I was treat ed just like catmom...(I am a cat mom too lolL)....for 3 years my doctor denied my problems were from statins...I went to Mayos twice..they expected a drug reaction but never zero'd in on the took a dermatologist to suggest I go off all the meds that had been given me in those 3 years...Some I never went back on ..some I added back 1 by to the zocor...wha la....By the way I fired that doctor...I am looking for a new pcp now and first question I will ask them is what is their attitudes about statins and if people can be allergic to them...If I get that bologne answer...sure won't go to that dr....I can't figure out either why they don't look for a drug problem first thing esp after a new med has ordered. But no, they keep giving you another drug for every symptom you develop...until you are sicker than when you started...I often think of a 97 year old neighbors opinion....she said" If a doctor doesn't kill you, the pills he orders will....amen.... :roll:
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Thank you all for your comments

Postby Whila » Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:04 pm

I thank you all for this thread. I have had high cholesterol for several years, but my dr. never seemed too concerned. I'm on thyroid meds and have been told they give a fals/pos. reading on cholesterol, true or not I don't know. Anyway, after my yrly. check up, all of a sudden my dr. noticed it was high and put me on zocor. Within about 2 mo. I had gained 14#, had a "tummy" and my breasts became enlarged. I also noticed that I was having trouble with my joints and muscles and it was at the point I had to use the handicapped stall in the bathroom at work to have the rail to stand up. At home, I use the side of the tub and vanity. My muscles, especially in my arms felt like I'd been lifting weights all day. Having an issue with my weight already (I quit smoking 4 1/2 yrs. ago) I certainly didn't need any more packed on. What concerned me the most was the joint aches. I made an appt to see the dr. and he had a blood test done and said that the zocor "could" be the reason for the joint aches, but wouldn't have anything to do with the weight gain and tested my thyroid...second time in 3 mo. Of course the tests all came back ok and he told me just to keep on taking the meds..yada...yada..yada.

Well, I stopped taking it the day before the tests and haven't taken a single pill at all to date. My tummy is gone, my weight is going down and my chest is almost back to what was normal prior to these pills. I'm sure I'll get a reaming next yr. when my chol. level is up, but he just blew me off.

I have had some health issues in the past 6 mo. and did some research and back tracking as to what I had changed in my daily life and when did things start changing and it was when the zocor came into my life.

I'm not a big eater and actually had started eating healthier and watching everything in my diet, and it's just not normal for me to gain that much weight.

So, thank you again for letting me know I wasn't imagining anything and wasn't losing my mind. THANK YOU ALL.
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Postby catspajamas » Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:05 pm

I just read where abnormal thyroid function will cause your cholesteral to go up....How many Dr's look for other reasons for a highter than"normal" cholesteral before they get out the old statin prescription pad.
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Postby Whila » Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:34 pm

Thanks Cats, for responding to my ranting and raving. I'm so glad to have found this forum.

I find it interesting that the drug companies note all the side effects, but the dr's seem to choose and pick what ailments we are "suppose" to have.

Take care everyone :wink:
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It has happened again

Postby Whila » Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:40 pm

:x After posting back in Oct., I wasn't going to go back on this horrid drug. My husband kept badgering me about having high cholesterol again and that my dr. would have a fit if I just quit taking it. So, to prove a point, and to make sure that it wasn't all in my head, I started taking it again...guess what? All the symptoms came back with a vengance. I know now, without a doubt that this drug does indeed have all the side effects that I mentioned earlier. I can't exist in this world and not be able to function as a human being. I hurt all the time, every joint hurts so bad, I hate to move. I can't do many of the things I used to and have to depend on someone to help me. It hurts to walk, sit down or stand up. I've come to realize when it hurts to get up or sit down at church, it's time to take a stand and say NO MORE.

I shouldn't have listened to my husband and gone through all this again, but I truly had to find out myself if I could be one of the lucky ones and not actually have problems.

This is my rant for what it's worth. I'd rather fight high cholesterol and deal with an angry dr. He blew me off last time, so I don't expect him to belive me this time...but this time, I don't care. I KNOW HOW I FEEL.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:53 pm

Whila: It must be particularly painful to have someone you love involved in a detrimental way (unintentionally, of course); my sympathies. I hope you are now going to adopt the supplemental regimen recommended on the Spacedoc site?

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Postby garystil » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:33 am

That was very daring Whila. I hope your husband eases up now.

I've put my remaining pills alongside a tin of rat poison.

I will never ever take that stuff again.

All the best,
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Postby Whila » Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:44 pm

Thank you both for your support. I've done some reading of other posts and there's such a wide variety of timelines where things get back to somewhat normal. When does the joint aches quit, the weight goes down? How awful that in a short amount of time, such damage can be done and yet it takes so long to bounce back from this drug.

Thank goodness for forums like this where we can support and inform others.

Good luck and bless you all
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Postby SusieO » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:12 am

I sure hope your hubby believes you this time and can see what statins do to our bodies.

After Lipitor I tried Lopid as well as Niacin and Cinnamon Capsules (at different times) and each one set me back further, so be very careful even if you go the natural route. I am able to take small amounts of Niacin in other supplements, but not Niacin alone.
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