I am a 65 year old woman. My total cholesterol level has been above 290 for 45 years...The bad stuff (LDL) has always been high up in the 200's. The good stuff (HDL) is around 40 or 50.....Bad numbers!!! Right?
When I was 58 I had chest pains and went to hospital for an angiogram. The patient is awake while they run a camera thru your veins and take pictures of the heart muscle. I couldn't see anything because they put a curtain up so I couldn't watch, and become frightened. So I just relaxed and let them do their thing... When a picture of my heart showed up on the screen, all hell broke loose! The doctor expected the worst because of my age and my high cholesterol numbers AND I was 50 lbs overweight, so when he saw my heart, he was totally dumbfounded! He began to call out for the other nurses and doctors to come and take a look at THIS! I started getting really frightened, because I could hear all the doctors and nurses exclamations of disbelief! Just when I was about to panic, my surgeon pulled the little curtain back, and with a big smile, told me "I consider it a privilege to view a heart "in this condition" in a 58 year old women! I don't know why you are having chest pains, but it certainly is not your heart!! You have the heart of an [u]athlete[/u]! He wanted to know what I was doing to keep my heart so healthy?! So I told him........
In The 70's, Dr. Linus Pauling wrote a book "Vitamin C And The Commom Cold" He recommended taking vitamin C on a daily basis, and promised I would have another cold. Since I had been plagued with colds and sinus trouble all my life, and now my children were bringing all the latest designer colds home from school, I was willing to try it. I started taking 2 grams a day, and kept it up. No colds.....Then I would think, geez I spend an awful lot of money on vitamin C..... and I would quit just long enough to get my usual sniffles....I didn't want to go back to that!
So I kept taking it......... Then, sometime in the late 80's Dr. Pauling wrote another book! This time he was claiming that if we took 6 grams of Vitamin C a day along with an amino called Lysine, that we would never get heart disease!
Well, this Dr. Pauling was pushing it.... 6 grams!! I thought about it for several months, read the book again and decided to do it...I mean "what the hell" this man had 2 Nobel Prizes, had been researching nutrition and the effects of vitamins since the 60's......He was considered a genius! Who am I to argue...besides, if it works, I'll still be kicking at 90!
(If I don't get hit by a truck.)
So I have been doing 2 grams of C and 500 mg of Lysine [u]with each meal[/u] ever since.
Incidently, I never stopped eating butter, eggs, cream, especially ice cream, or any of the other fatty foods! On the first of every month, I actually buy a quart of heavy whipping cream, 3 dozen eggs, 2 bars of cream cheese to make my cheesecake, a couple lbs of bacon...well you get the idea...
Am I crazy??..........I don't think so...I KNOW that my brain is made of solid cholesterol, everyone knows that! Don't they? I mean it just makes sense that you would feed it well!!!
Why in God's name would you deprive your brain of cholesterol? If it doesn't get more cholesterol as it burns up the supply it has then it would get holes in it! Wouldn't it??? (Hence "Global Amnesia")
I try to tell people my story, and they laugh at me....It really makes me feel bad that people I know and love are headed for heart attacks....
One friend of mine died last summer of heart disease. I felt like a failure..
If only I could have convinced her to try Dr. Paulings advice. But I couldn't.....When she had her first heart attack, and she was lying in bed in the hospital, her Doctor came in, and I asked him...."Why is she here in this bed with a heart attack??? She won't eat any fat, and her cholesterol numbers are perfect!....My cholesterol numbers are off the charts, and half my diet is animal fat! So, why is she laying here and not me???"
The Doctor put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his shoes, and said very quietly, "We Don't Know" Pretty sad. I think the American Medical Association and the American Heart Association need to go back to the drawing board, because they have this whole mess backwards!
How come the Atkin's diet worked??? Yes it did work! I tried it, and off came the pounds, all 50 of them!!! And then I put all the sugar back in my diet, and the fat came right back! This is because your body doesn't like to burn sugar, it would rather burn fat because it is a better fuel. So it takes all the sugars(carbohydrates) that you consume and turns them into fat and stores this new fat on your hips to use in case of a famine! No, I am not kidding...That's just the way we evolved...back then (when we were evolving, there were lots of famines) So while the carbs are being stored, the fat that you consume is being used all over your body, to give your skin a nice glow, feed your brain, power your muscles, and all kinds of other important jobs.
We don't need Statin drugs to kill off our brain cells and cripple our muscles. [u] MUSCLE [/u]....hmmm..... Your heart is a muscle, right?
and we know from Merck's famous patent, that the Statin's cause rhabdomyolysis...which (loosely) means: your muscle is dying because it is being starved of cholesterol....ok, so your heart is a muscle, right? and if you take the Statins, then they must be starving your heart of cholesterol too, and if you take them too long, your heart will die. That is called Cardiomyophathy (The death of the heart muscle) There is an epidemic of Cardiomyopathy going on in this country! People are dying of Cardiomyopathy in record numbers! And our doctors don't know why....
Well I know that Millions of Americans are taking the Statin Drugs AND Tens of Millions of Americans are dying of Cardiomyopathy.
About a year ago I swallowed an acidic pill, and it lodged in my esophagus and began to burn. I had never experienced esophagial pain before, so naturally the hospital treated it as a heart attack. I thought Dr. Pauling had failed me. Very depressing.... Well this being a large teaching hospital, They proceded to do every heart test they had...Stress tests radioactive tests, pictures, every kind of heart test they could think of. It took three days, and then the doctors filed into my room. I was scared. They all looked so somber. Then on of them began to speak..."Mrs. Dunn, we have the results of all the tests, and we consider you to be a very LOW risk for heart attack.....So I guess I will still be jogging around at 90!
Do not judge Dr. Pauling's website by the lunatic who is running it. He
worked with Dr. Pauling in the 90's, but his [u]radical lunatic[/u] opinion's
do not represent Dr. Linus Pauling. Look for Dr. Pauling's books online. If anyone is interested, I will look up all the titles for you....Also, I will try to post the Merck Drug company Patent on this site if that is possible. Otherwise you can look it up a the United States Patent and Trade Office. They have an online database.
Dr. Pauling died in the late 90's at the age of 95. He took 18 grams of Vitamin C every day over his last 30 years of life.
You might wonder why I take such an interest in this website. My daughter started taking Lipitor without my knowledge "because the doctor scared me. He said because I am 42, and overweight..." She took it for 10 months total. After 8 months I knew something was terribly wrong, and I forced it out of another family member who had promised not to tell me because she knew it would worry me. By that time most of the damage was done, and it took me another 2 months to convince her that her brain was being damaged. A brain scan showed spots all over her brain.
This brilliant daughter of mine worked her way thru college in her 20's with 2 kids in tow. After she got her BS Degree, she studied for a year and then sat for the CPA in Illinois and passed all three tests with flying colors.
She improved markedly when she stopped taking them. Now a year later she is still relearning and struggling with the aftermath.