A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Postby Fedup » Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:52 pm

Dee, my husband's next appointment with him isn't until February or March and it was in September of 2006 that he said that. It would be odd to bring it up so many months later. If the situation arises, I will ask him though. It seemed so odd, not to mention dangerous that he claimed he couldn't tell my husband not to take them.

I'm glad you were told to get off of statins.
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Postby Biologist » Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:37 pm

Looks like Larry King and crew have some ideas on the subject of Heart Health:


This played last night on the PBS channel. If it does not come up for you, just go to [] and look for something having to do with heart health. (There was also a show on the Framingham study which preceeded this one.)

See if you can spot the drug pusher of the bunch. I'm sure you will. Not one word about CoQ10, but a big plug for wonder drugs and the upcoming new statin. I am sure he is on the payroll.

Pretty disgusting. But this the the reason that so few people get to this site -- even though most statin users DO quit taking their statins due to side effects. They believe presentations like this one. Who could blame them? BTW, take note of how and when Larry mentions that "I have had no side effects." At least he knew the operative issue...

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Good news!!!

Postby Paisley43 » Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:25 am

I just finished a month long fight with my sister who was on statin drugs for only 3 months. At the end of the 3 months, the muscles in her arms, shoulders, and legs was so unbearable that this stoic old woman was reduced to lying in bed, crying almost continuosly...She was waiting to die and was considering suicide...I finally convinced her to stop taking the damm statins and TRY Doctor Pauling's cure before she took her own life. My sister is an extremely strong woman, and her behavior was so out of character that I knew she was really ready to die. Finally she agreed, and quit the Lipitor and I got her taking 500 Mg of CoQ10 a day, and within a week the pain had been cut by half, and she was starting to get her spirit back! Now, two weeks later, she is almost pain free. We went shopping today for the first time in 2 months. After 4 hours, she said some of the pain was coming back, and we quit and went home. But she is on the mend! Also she is taking the[u] 6 grams of Vitamin C, 3 grams of[/u] [u]L-Lysine, and 1 gram of L-Proline [/u]that Dr. Pauling recommended not only to lower cholesterol but to actually clean out your arteries.
I KNOW that he was in his 90's when he worked out his Unified Theory, but I have read all of his books, and all of the books and articles that have been written about him. He is considered by most of the world to one of the 20 greatest scientists ever!!
Then there is ME...Yes me, I never stopped eating butter and eggs and ice cream and all the other things that raised my total cholesterol to over 300
in the last thirty years...They kept warning me, but you couldn't tell me that the stuff they were pushing as margarine (a man made product) was better for me than Butter. Also we were raised by my grandparents who ate all the wrong things too, and they lived well into their ninety's! By the way, they ate oatmeal every morning of their entire lives. God gave us whole grains and butter, and we are eating trans fats and Wonder Bread!
And we have heart trouble...go figure!
So my cholesterol has been that high since 1975, and I didn't start eating oatmeal til 2003....So my heart should be just about overflowing with plaque, right? .... Yes, I am going to tell you that it isn't...In fact I was taken by rescue to emergency in 1998 with awful chest pains and they admitted me. To be continued on the next post........... :D
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Postby Fedup » Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:13 am

DH was having symptoms of heart distress, so he saw his doctor and had an EKG. The EKG showed some abnormalities. They wanted to do an angiogram the following day. In the meantime, we researched heart scans and decided to go that route. He had a 64 slice CT scan which showed all his stents, arteries and veins clear. If we hadn't suggested this DH would have had the invasive procedure, time off of work plus rehab. all without need. Why is this not suggested instead of an angiogram??!!!
Now we know Pauling's method seems to be working. Thank goodness!

Oh, DH also has two of the FDA red-flagged medicated stents. His cardiologist has been pushing him to have by-pass surgery to avoid the risk of blood clots. I think not! She was out of town when he had the CT and won't see her until August. I wonder what she will say now that we know he is "clear".

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Avoiding the underlying cause:

Postby catamaran » Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:16 pm

:? If HCY levels were the instrument leading to atherosclerosis, then lesions would develop uniformly anywhere along the arterial track. But, as usual, atherosclerotic lesions occur only in those places where the arteries are subject to high mechanical stress such as curves, bifurcations, etc.

The same can be said of the latest cause celeb or atherosclerosis / CVD, inflammation: Inflammation occurs only in those areas under high mechanical stress and does not usually appear in any part of a uniform track. (Although I have seen examples of carotid arteries that appeared uniformly clogged; however, those lesions seemed to be composed of calcified accumulations piled onto original lesions that occurred at the Ys due to long-term chronic ascorbate deficiency.)

According to Dr. Levy ("Stop America's #1 Killer", chapter 4, as I read it) inflammation is a response to infiltration of blood factors such as HCY into the arterial intima via a compromised, permeable endothelium. It is a way to carry ascorbate, which is highly concentrated in white blood cells, into the damaged area to make repairs.

A healthy artery, one maintained by a continuous and sufficient supply of serum ascorbate, will have a uniform, closely fit layer of endothelial cells supported by a firm, polymerized, water-insoluble basement membrane in the intima. The healthy artery will not permit infiltration of blood factors through the layer of endothelial cells and into the basement membrane; if any factors could find their way through, they would be met by a strong, water-proof layer that would remain essentially unaffected by the factors. Such could be the case if concentrated histamines are present which can disrupt the endothelial integrity.

Serum ascorbate is a potent antihistamine. So again, the case for ascorbate supplementation is supported. :!:
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Postby Fedup » Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:19 pm

Catamaran, I'll have to read the book you've been referring to. It sounds very informative.
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Ascorbate Facts:

Postby catamaran » Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:03 pm

:!: Fedup,

Indeed it is informative; let me suggest as well that you procure and read another book by Dr. Levy, "Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectous Diseases and Toxins".

BTW: I have NO VESTED INTEREST in the books by Dr. Levy. I am a health advocate who has issues with conventional medicine as it is practiced in the USA. :!:
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Postby Fedup » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:58 pm

Catamaran, I've copied down the names of both books and will check both the libarary and a bookstore for them. Thank you.

What is your opinion on Life Extension Org.? I find their magazine educational but wish they didn't have a vested interest in the information they present.
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Life Extension.Org:

Postby catamaran » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:25 pm

[quote="Fedup"]Catamaran, I've copied down the names of both books and will check both the libarary and a bookstore for them. Thank you.

What is your opinion on Life Extension Org.? I find their magazine educational but wish they didn't have a vested interest in the information they present.[/quote]

8) I was a member of Life Extension several years ago. I believe it is a good source of information on alternative therapies, but I don't purchase supplements from it.

I purchased Dr. Levy's extraordinary book here:


There may be other sources as well.

Let me advise you of another excellent source of information about vitamin C and its applications:


To your health,

C. :!:
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Postby Fedup » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:53 pm

I will check out the link you sent. Thank you. I appreciate your opinion of Life Extension also. I have read information from the Vitamin C Foundation while doing research on the Pauling method, excellent information. Thank you for mentioning it as I'm sure others reading this post will find it helpful.

With health and happiness,
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Postby Paisley43 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:39 am

I am a 65 year old woman. My total cholesterol level has been above 290 for 45 years...The bad stuff (LDL) has always been high up in the 200's. The good stuff (HDL) is around 40 or 50.....Bad numbers!!! Right?
When I was 58 I had chest pains and went to hospital for an angiogram. The patient is awake while they run a camera thru your veins and take pictures of the heart muscle. I couldn't see anything because they put a curtain up so I couldn't watch, and become frightened. So I just relaxed and let them do their thing... When a picture of my heart showed up on the screen, all hell broke loose! The doctor expected the worst because of my age and my high cholesterol numbers AND I was 50 lbs overweight, so when he saw my heart, he was totally dumbfounded! He began to call out for the other nurses and doctors to come and take a look at THIS! I started getting really frightened, because I could hear all the doctors and nurses exclamations of disbelief! Just when I was about to panic, my surgeon pulled the little curtain back, and with a big smile, told me "I consider it a privilege to view a heart "in this condition" in a 58 year old women! I don't know why you are having chest pains, but it certainly is not your heart!! You have the heart of an [u]athlete[/u]! He wanted to know what I was doing to keep my heart so healthy?! So I told him........
In The 70's, Dr. Linus Pauling wrote a book "Vitamin C And The Commom Cold" He recommended taking vitamin C on a daily basis, and promised I would have another cold. Since I had been plagued with colds and sinus trouble all my life, and now my children were bringing all the latest designer colds home from school, I was willing to try it. I started taking 2 grams a day, and kept it up. No colds.....Then I would think, geez I spend an awful lot of money on vitamin C..... and I would quit just long enough to get my usual sniffles....I didn't want to go back to that!
So I kept taking it......... Then, sometime in the late 80's Dr. Pauling wrote another book! This time he was claiming that if we took 6 grams of Vitamin C a day along with an amino called Lysine, that we would never get heart disease!
Well, this Dr. Pauling was pushing it.... 6 grams!! I thought about it for several months, read the book again and decided to do it...I mean "what the hell" this man had 2 Nobel Prizes, had been researching nutrition and the effects of vitamins since the 60's......He was considered a genius! Who am I to argue...besides, if it works, I'll still be kicking at 90! :D (If I don't get hit by a truck.) :( So I have been doing 2 grams of C and 500 mg of Lysine [u]with each meal[/u] ever since.
Incidently, I never stopped eating butter, eggs, cream, especially ice cream, or any of the other fatty foods! On the first of every month, I actually buy a quart of heavy whipping cream, 3 dozen eggs, 2 bars of cream cheese to make my cheesecake, a couple lbs of bacon...well you get the idea...
Am I crazy??..........I don't think so...I KNOW that my brain is made of solid cholesterol, everyone knows that! Don't they? I mean it just makes sense that you would feed it well!!!
Why in God's name would you deprive your brain of cholesterol? If it doesn't get more cholesterol as it burns up the supply it has then it would get holes in it! Wouldn't it??? (Hence "Global Amnesia")
I try to tell people my story, and they laugh at me....It really makes me feel bad that people I know and love are headed for heart attacks....
One friend of mine died last summer of heart disease. I felt like a failure..
If only I could have convinced her to try Dr. Paulings advice. But I couldn't.....When she had her first heart attack, and she was lying in bed in the hospital, her Doctor came in, and I asked him...."Why is she here in this bed with a heart attack??? She won't eat any fat, and her cholesterol numbers are perfect!....My cholesterol numbers are off the charts, and half my diet is animal fat! So, why is she laying here and not me???"
The Doctor put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his shoes, and said very quietly, "We Don't Know" Pretty sad. I think the American Medical Association and the American Heart Association need to go back to the drawing board, because they have this whole mess backwards!
How come the Atkin's diet worked??? Yes it did work! I tried it, and off came the pounds, all 50 of them!!! And then I put all the sugar back in my diet, and the fat came right back! This is because your body doesn't like to burn sugar, it would rather burn fat because it is a better fuel. So it takes all the sugars(carbohydrates) that you consume and turns them into fat and stores this new fat on your hips to use in case of a famine! No, I am not kidding...That's just the way we evolved...back then (when we were evolving, there were lots of famines) So while the carbs are being stored, the fat that you consume is being used all over your body, to give your skin a nice glow, feed your brain, power your muscles, and all kinds of other important jobs.
We don't need Statin drugs to kill off our brain cells and cripple our muscles. [u] MUSCLE [/u]....hmmm..... Your heart is a muscle, right?
and we know from Merck's famous patent, that the Statin's cause rhabdomyolysis...which (loosely) means: your muscle is dying because it is being starved of cholesterol....ok, so your heart is a muscle, right? and if you take the Statins, then they must be starving your heart of cholesterol too, and if you take them too long, your heart will die. That is called Cardiomyophathy (The death of the heart muscle) There is an epidemic of Cardiomyopathy going on in this country! People are dying of Cardiomyopathy in record numbers! And our doctors don't know why....
Well I know that Millions of Americans are taking the Statin Drugs AND Tens of Millions of Americans are dying of Cardiomyopathy.
About a year ago I swallowed an acidic pill, and it lodged in my esophagus and began to burn. I had never experienced esophagial pain before, so naturally the hospital treated it as a heart attack. I thought Dr. Pauling had failed me. Very depressing.... Well this being a large teaching hospital, They proceded to do every heart test they had...Stress tests radioactive tests, pictures, every kind of heart test they could think of. It took three days, and then the doctors filed into my room. I was scared. They all looked so somber. Then on of them began to speak..."Mrs. Dunn, we have the results of all the tests, and we consider you to be a very LOW risk for heart attack.....So I guess I will still be jogging around at 90!
Do not judge Dr. Pauling's website by the lunatic who is running it. He
worked with Dr. Pauling in the 90's, but his [u]radical lunatic[/u] opinion's
do not represent Dr. Linus Pauling. Look for Dr. Pauling's books online. If anyone is interested, I will look up all the titles for you....Also, I will try to post the Merck Drug company Patent on this site if that is possible. Otherwise you can look it up a the United States Patent and Trade Office. They have an online database.
Dr. Pauling died in the late 90's at the age of 95. He took 18 grams of Vitamin C every day over his last 30 years of life.
You might wonder why I take such an interest in this website. My daughter started taking Lipitor without my knowledge "because the doctor scared me. He said because I am 42, and overweight..." She took it for 10 months total. After 8 months I knew something was terribly wrong, and I forced it out of another family member who had promised not to tell me because she knew it would worry me. By that time most of the damage was done, and it took me another 2 months to convince her that her brain was being damaged. A brain scan showed spots all over her brain.
This brilliant daughter of mine worked her way thru college in her 20's with 2 kids in tow. After she got her BS Degree, she studied for a year and then sat for the CPA in Illinois and passed all three tests with flying colors.
She improved markedly when she stopped taking them. Now a year later she is still relearning and struggling with the aftermath.
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Postby Kate » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:07 am

We found your letter very informative. We also eat regular foods like whole milk, eggs, bacon, red meats, and very little sugar. We both feel better, are eating less and do not crave that "something" that we always seem to have had on the low fat diets. I try to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. We have desserts in small portions. I cut the recipes down and use small pans so we don't have left overs. They say one enters their second childhood when they get older and I guess they must be correct because I am basically using the same pans that I played with as a child. We are both losing weight very slowly like maybe a pound a week but it is staying off.

I had a relative visit yesterday who is on lipitor. They had put him on lipitor with a total cholesterol count of 200. He has been on a dosage of 10 mg for several years and they just raised the dosage to 20 mg's. We tried to explain to him that he should get off the junk and the reasons why but you are right they just won't listen.
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Postby Paisley43 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:31 pm

Here is the Patent that I spoke of in my previous post....Merck & Co. filed for this patent and it was approved on June 12, 1990.

In it, Merck states that this is a method of "COUNTERACTING" The Skeletal Myopathy caused by the Statin Drug.

Their idea of counteracting the myopathy with a "theraputic dose of CoenyzimeQ 10 is very noble. However, the FDA and/or other powers that be said that you cannot use a vitamin in a patent because they are natural substances, and so on with the usual politics.... So then Merck released the drug WITHOUT the therapeutic dose of CoQ 10....Which I think is pretty ugly, since they KNEW that without the CoQ10, patients would suffer, and die from their drug.

First look right below the word *Abstract*
(HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor) is the statin drug)

scroll further down, under "What is claimed is:"

#1 repeat's it again!

The reason I am showing this is because it PROVES beyound any doubt that this drug company was fully aware of the deadly side effects of this drug, and with the help of our FDA they put it on the market anyhow! Pretty sick? And we can't do a damm thing about it.....I have tried everything to bring this "smoking gun" to the attention of Anybody who can do something about it, and I just keep hitting brick walls....I spent the last year trying to get any member of the mainstream media to stop and look at this, and found that nobody cares!


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United States Patent 4,933,165
Brown June 12, 1990
Coenzyme Q.sub.10 with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor


A pharmaceutical composition and method of counteracting HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor-associated myopathy is disclosed. The method comprises the adjunct administration of an effective amount of a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and an effective amount of Coenzyme Q.sub.10.
Inventors: Brown; Michael S. (Dallas, TX)
Assignee: Merck & Co., Inc. (Rahway, NJ)
Appl. No.: 07/298,535
Filed: January 18, 1989

Current U.S. Class: 424/94.1 ; 514/415; 514/460; 514/510; 514/689; 514/922
Current International Class: A61K 31/20 (20060101); A61K 31/185 (20060101); A61K 31/35 (20060101); A61K 31/403 (20060101); A61K 31/405 (20060101); A61K 031/405 (); A61K 031/35 (); A61K 031/21 (); A61K 031/12 ()
Field of Search: 424/10,510 514/415,690,460,922,689

Other References

The New England Journal of Medicine, Scott M. Grundy 319 No. 1, pp. 24-33 Jul. 7, 1988. .
Folkers et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 82, 901(1985). .
Folkers et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 82, 4513(1985). .
M. S. Brown & J. Goldstein, J. Lipid Res., 21, 505 (1980). .
H. Mabuchi et al, N.E.J. Med., 478 (1981)..

Primary Examiner: Robinson; Douglas W.
Assistant Examiner: Henley, III; Raymond J.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Winokur; Melvin DiPrima; Joseph F.

What is claimed is:

1. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a pharmaceutical carrier and an effective antihypercholesterolemic amount of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and an amount of Coenzyme Q.sub.10 effective to counteract HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor-associated skeletal muscle myopathy.

2. A composition of claim 1 in which the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor is selected from: lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin and sodium-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-(methylethyl)-1H-Indole-2yl]- hept-6-enoate.

3. A method of counteracting HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor-associated skeletal muscle myopathy in a subject in need of such treatment which comprises the adjunct administration of a therapeutically effective amount of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and an effective amount of Coenzyme Q.sub.10 to counteract said myopathy.

4. A method of claim 3 in which the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of: lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin and sodium-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-(methylethyl)-1H-Indole-2yl]- hept-6-enoate.


Coenzyme Q.sub.10 (2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decaprenyl-1,4-benzoquinone) is a redox component in the respiratory chain and is found in all cells having mitochondria. It is thus an essential co-factor in the generation of metabolic energy and is particularly important in muscle function. For example, Folkers et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 82: 901 (1985) have measured the levels of Coenzyme Q.sub.10 (CoQ.sub.10) in endomyocardial biopsy samples taken from patients with varying stages of cardiomyopathy. Folkers et al. states that these data show decreasing tissue levels of CoQ.sub.10 with increasing severity of the symptoms of cardiac disease. Folkers et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 82: 4513 (1985) in a double-blind study have reported improved cardiac output for some patients upon receiving an oral administration of CoQ.sub.10.

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors represent a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Relatively low doses of these drugs effectively reduce plasma cholesterol levels. These drugs are believed to function by inhibiting the chemical transformation HMG-CoA to mevalonate, which is an early and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. A branch of the mevalonate cholesterol biosynthetic pathway in mammalian cells leads to the formation of CoQ.sub.10. [reviewed by Brown and Goldstein J. Lipid Res., 21, 505 (1980)]. Furthermore high levels of lovastatin can reduce CoQ.sub.10 in the liver (MK-803 NDA report) and compactin reduces LDL-bound CoQ.sub.10 at doses employed in humans [H. Mabuchi et al, N. E. J. Med., 478 (August 1981].

The Physician's Desk Reference, 42d Ed., 1366 (1988) states that myalgia has been associated with lovastatin therapy. Tobert, N. E. J. Med., 48 (Jan. 7, 1988) states that in a very small number of patients (0.5 percent) myopathy appeared to be associated with lovastatin therapy. Concomitant therapy with immunosuppressant drugs, including cyclosporine, with gemfibrozil or niacin or a combination, appears to increase the risk of myopathy. (J. A. Tobert, Am. J. Cardiol. 1988, 62: 28J-34J). The myopathy is reversible upon discontinuance of lovastatin therapy.

Although cholesterol-lowering therapy through the use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors is generally free of side reactions, it would be of considerable benefit to counteract the myopathy observed in a small percent of patients. Since CoQ.sub.10 is of benefit in congestive heart failure patients the combination with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors should be of value in such patients who also have the added risk of high cholesterol levels.


The present invention relates to a method of counteracting HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor-associated myopathy in a patient receiving HMG-CoA reductase therapy which comprises the adjunct administration of an effective amount of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and an effective amount of Coenzyme Q.sub.10. Included within the scope of the present invention is the treatment of those patients receiving HMG-CoA reductase therapy and who are also taking immunosuppressant drugs, gemfibrozil or niacin.

The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor employed may be lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, XU-62-320 (Sodium-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1(methylethyl)-1H-Indole-2yl]- hept-6-enoate) or any other member of the class of compounds that inhibit HMG-CoA reductase. The preparation of lovastatin (U.S. Pat. No. 4,231,938), simvastatin (U.S. Pat. No. 4,444,784) and pravastatin (U.S. Pat. No. 4,346,227) have been described in the patent literature. The preparation of XU-62-320 is described in WIPO Pat. No. WO84/02131, published June 7, 1984. These methods of preparation are hereby incorporated by reference.

Coenzyme Q.sub.10 is manufactured by the Kanegafuchi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and is widely available.

In its application to the counteraction of myopathy the present invention is accordingly to be understood as providing for the avoidance of myopathy where this may otherwise occur as well as the amelioration of myopathy. The term counteracting is accordingly to be understood as connecting both a precautionary or prophylactic as well as curvative or treatmental function.

In accordance with the method of the present invention, an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and CoQ.sub.10 can be administered separately at different times during the course of therapy or concomitantly in divided or single combination forms. Thus treatment with CoQ.sub.10 can commence prior to, subsequent to or concurrent with the commencement of HMG-CoA reductase treatment. The present invention is to be understood as embracing all such regimes of treatment and the term "adjunct administration" is to be interpreted accordingly.

The compounds of the instant invention may be administered orally or parenterally in the form of a capsule, a tablet, an injectable preparation or the like. The general amounts of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor will be of the same or similar order to that employed in HMG-CoA reductase therapy. In general, satisfactory results are obtained by administration of 0.10 to 80 mg/day of the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor in a single or divided dose. Doses of CoQ.sub.10 may vary from 25 mg to 1 g day in a single or divided dose. Tablets or capsules may also be administered which contain both compounds in the dosage ranges indicated.


As a specific embodiment of a composition of this invention, 20 mg of lovastatin and 35 mg of Coenzyme Q.sub.10 are formulated with sufficient finely-divided lactose to provide a total amount of 580 to 590 mg to fill a size 0 hard-gelatin capsule. Optionally added are a excipient such as finely divided cellulose, a disintegrant such as Explotat and a lubricant such as magnesium stearate.

* * * * *
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Postby tomt43402 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:35 pm

Paisley 43...well said, thanks for the post...I too take high doses of Vit C and lysine, proline, after Paulding's uninfied theory...I am very happy with it and I feel like a million bucks now....I have only been on it for 8 months or so, but in 2003 when I let them put a stent in a heart artery and put me on Lipitor...I sure wish, I knew then, what I know now...I never would have gone on that stuff or maybe not even allowed the stent...every thing I know now, I learned on my own study and from forums like this one...I do remember that back in 1988 that the family doctor wanted me to go on Baycor to lower my cholesterol which has been high all my life around 300 to 350 tolal cholesterol...I refused to take it and the doctor actually told me way back then (I was 40 something), that I would be dead in five(5) years, he guaranteed it!...Just because I wouldn't take Bacor or any other statin at the time...but they got me good in 2003...I took Lipitor for 4 years, until the muscle attacks, which were so painful that they became a wake up call for me.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:58 pm

Paisley: Excellent info... aggravating and enlightening at the same time. BTW, I trust everyone knows Vit C has a supremely short useful life span in the body and passes thru quickly; so, taking multiple doses of Vit C over the course of the day is best. It is not as effective taken in one morning dose.


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