All: I recently went through a series of posts that, while well intentioned, made me a bit uncomfortable. It seems to me we all have a great responsibility to provide the most reliable, least injurious, frightening, and discomfiting information about how anyone might approach recovery using supplements. We, most of us, know what primary supplements to take and can recommend them freely to new forum members without prejudice, but I think we need to offer cautions where we have, through personal experience, discovered down-side risk. I would be willing to compile a general recipe and append a list of 'additional' recommendations as well: dosage for beginners and suggestions for dosage escalation; sensible approaches to dosage 'ramp-up' and checkpoints triggered by warning signals such as GERD, rapid heart beat, lowered BP, headache, gastrointestinal problems, etc.; and a list of 'boutique' supplements such as Astaxanthan, Vinpocetine, DHEA, Pycnoginol, Milk Thistle, D-Ribose, Glyconutrients, etc. and what do they do. What is needed is DATA! I would be happy to act as a repository, compile the information, and work with the rest of the forum members to build such a deliverable. What I would need is:
1. What supplements are you taking and how have they helped
2. What discomfort have you experienced due to any supplement
3. how did you resolve the problem
4. what known risks have you discovered and how would one recognize them
I'm sure there are other issues to consider; I am open to suggestion, and I am hopeful that together we can offer something truly and immediately useful to anyone joining our unfortunate community. I also feel we should take this out of the Forum proper and use email. Any thoughts? Remember, just a 'core dump' of your experiences with supplements is all I need; you do not have to be 'tidy' about it. My Email addr. is included in my profile. I also know that most , if not all this information is included in the hundreds of posts on the forum site, but I find the data mining effort daunting and am not prepared to do that. Let me know what you think.