by Allen1 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:19 pm
Hi there kkolk,
I see in another posting that you are in a lot of pain and that you have just started Q10, cjbrooksjc gave you the best advice in that post ie to also take L-Carnintine as this will help a lot.
Unfortunately a great deal of doctors just don't have a clue about the side effects caused by statins, this can be confounded more when the pain moves to different parts of your body as it did with me. The 2 items mentioned will definitely help but the time to get results is different for everyone and recovery time also varies a lot.
It also seems that nearly everyone else's results including my own for a multitude of tests come back negative most of the time, you may get some raised blood CK level which is proof where the doctors can see that something is wrong, but as you have already found out you are in pain and nothing shows up.
There are a lot of folk on this site that have a better knowledge on this subject than I will ever have but you will need to ask what else can help you to get better.
Please take it easy on the pain killers and ask around to see what worked for others on this site to help with pain relief.