by pgrimm » Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:59 pm
[quote="sos_group_owner"]Hello Pam,
Since your BF stopped statins due to severe adverse effects, it's a
good time to start Dr Graveline's "Statin Alternatives".
Wow! Fran, it's obvious that you have done your homework on statins, and then some! I must confess, it's pretty overwhelming, but a challenge I am ready to take on. You've started me out with a wealth of information, which I will take and run with.
I took Bill to our local (non-VA) hospital ER yesterday. Eight hours later we had the results of a CK level test. Gleefully, it came out negative. The doctor was right on board with MY diagnosis, after looking at his long laundry list of medications prescribed all in the past two months. He said that he was to discontinue taking every drug on the list except for the one for his blood pressure, confirming exactly what I told Bill two days before. He did not recommend weaning him on lovastatin, just stop, which was also a relief. I didn't even discuss the coenzyme Q10 that I had already begun for him, nor any other supplements. I've had too much experience with doctors who poopoo'd health supplements. So we conclued that he doesn't have the big R disease I can't pronounce. His headaches and bodyaches remain the same, a "12" as Bill describes them. But I tell him that I'm confident that his body just needs time to heal itself now. Both our outlooks are very differnt, getting this stamp of approval from a non-CA doctor. Next step, we tie the knot and I put him on my health insurance plan, but that will take at least a month. We believe he is better off seeing no doctor than going back to the VA.
His VA nurse practioner called me back while we were in the ER watiing room. You just know I gave her a big fat piece of my mind. She's the one who was treating the pain in his shoulders with ibuprofen for months, and said the lovastatin was obviously not a problem since his blood had negative tests. She started on that defense again yesterday. Fortunately, I had also done some homework! I flashed back at her, "Yeah? But you haven't done a CK level or a muscle biopsy, have you"? She got very quiet, and admitted no, they haven't would I like to bring him in today to do some tests. I told her we were waiting to be seen at the hospital and no, we didn't care to put Bill back in the incompetent hands of the VA at this time! I also informed her that I had contacted an attorney who specializes in suing the VA, and two congressmen in my district. Again, she got very quiet. She asked what I wanted her to do. Basically I responded if she wants to show she cares, to do SOMETHING to help Bill, and I'd leave that up to HER to figure out. She called back later and said she had reported our complaint to the administrator, who said he would personally look into the pharmaceutical record and get back to us. I'm not holding my breath! Four VA people prescribed four different drugs that are on that list of not to presribe with lovastatin! How are they going to defend that? "Well gee, you can't blame our doctors, they're straight out of medical school, they don't know they're supposed to check drug interactions before prescribing"! I'm so mad I could spit.
Well, I'm on my way to give blood then stop by the health food store and stock up on all these supplements suggested by you and my other new friends here.
Thank You for all your support. I'll check back in on our progress!