I recently had a 7 hour TGA episode. I take Lipitor (20 mg daily). Searching the net, I came across your website. I will try to relate what I remember of the episode.
I am a fairly healthy 75 year old male. I have suffered two TIA's and one stroke over the past 6 years. My stroke was November 2003. My TGA episode occurred June 19, 2005.
In my background I was a Methodist minister for 7 years. In my local church, I volunteer to help the pastor in the three morning services by leading the prayers, the Creed and other minor things to ease the burden when one or the other of our two pastors is absent. This was the case on this past June 19 date. I left my home at 6:50am to go to the church some 40 minutes traveling time. After 15 minutes travel, I realized that I had left my prepared prayers, etc at home and returned to get them. I arrived not with 30 minutes to spare, but rather 10 minutes before the first service at 8:00am. I tell you this because I remember being a bit stressed out because of have to hurry.
The first service went without incident and ended on time at 9:00am. I visited with a number of the members until shortly before 9:30am when the second service was to begin. It is at this point in time that my memory ceases (with a few things that I do remember) until 4:00pm in the afternoon, when I realized I was in the Mayo ER.
I was told my the attending physician that I had suffered TGA. He further stated that the cause was unknown. After a negative CAT scan, I was released.
Since that date, I have had a MRA of my head, MRI brain scan, and an MRA of my neck. I have also had an EEG.
No results have been shared with me to date.
About 12:30pm on the 19th, I called my wife and told her I was leaving church to come home. She called me at 1:30pm and I told her I had not left church. Apparently I was wandering about disoriented. She told me to drink a coke and wait for her. I presume I did that because, she took me to the ER at Mayo in Scottsdale, AZ
I don't know if my TGA was Lipitor induced. Another factor you might consider is that about 8 weeks ago, my doctor was not satisfied with the level of cholesterol and started me on 10 mg of Zetia. After a month, he reduced my Lipitor from 40 to 20 mg because my total cholesterol went from 187 to 127. I have not had a blood test recently (except the ones run at Mayo)