Normal COQ10 Levels

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Normal COQ10 Levels

Postby gotts1936 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:13 pm

When you stop taking a statin drug does COQ10 levels ever return to normal or will you be required to take supplements forever?
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Postby Ray Holder » Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:09 pm

Hi Gotts1936
It probably depends on how long you were taking the statin, I took one for 4 years, and cannot do without my regular Q10 doses, but I am 86, and Q10 normally reduces with age. Dr Langsjoen states that Q10 has fallen to 50% of youthful values by 80 years, so I am well beyond that stage.
When you have reached a stable level of Q10, it would pay to try reducing your dose in stages, keeping a watchful eye on your old problems, and stopping if those problems recur

I suspect that you will not be able to reduce it, but it is certainly worth a try, I feel that much of my Q10 production line has been permanently sabotaged, yours may have not been so badly affected, and the less supplement you have to buy each month, the better.

Ray Holder
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Postby Brian C. » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:01 am

I have been off Lipitor (80mg) for getting on for 10 months after 17 years of statinization. I am 63 years old. Recently I have had to increase my daily intake of CoQ10 from 600mg to 900mg to counteract the sudden return of myalgia.
As Ray has indicated, our levels fall away with aging Also permanent effects of statin poisoning are as yet unknown. It will most likely depend on the degree of genetic damage sustained by the mitochondria.

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Normal COQ10 Levels

Postby gotts1936 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:40 pm

Ray and Brian, thank you for your responses. Two months after I started lovastatin I was in constant muscle pain 24/7. One year later, my GP said, " I think you are having statin drug side effect, stop taking it ". Eight months later, I am taking 400mg of COQ10 daily, but my muscles still are sore when I sit down or get up from a chair. Maybe, I should increase my dose od COQ10?
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Postby Brian C. » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:42 pm

Yes, also take L-Carnitine.

Brian C.
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Normal COQ10 Levels

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:44 pm

Brian, I am going to increase the amount of COQ10 from 400 mg to 600 mg, but I have tried L-Carnitine and my leg muscles seem to hurt more the next day. Maybe that is a good sign and my leg muscles are telling me they are being repaired. Any thoughts?
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Postby Brian C. » Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:31 am

I think it worth persisting and perhaps experimenting with the amount - and maybe with timingtoo. I take mine immediately before meals but Ray has observed that this may not be the optimum time to take L-Carnitine :

"Some find that there should be 2 hours after food, and 30/45 mins before more food when taking carnitine, to have most effect"

Brian C.
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Postby BSGfan » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:17 am

Regarding coenzyme Q-10 dosage levels, if one is supplementing at, say, anywhere 150 mg to 600 mg daily, isn't a point of saturation or maximum initial effect reached after three or four months? After that point of saturation is reached, is it ever possible to get consistent relief of statin incurred discomfort with lower dosages or it is necessary to remain at high dosages indefinitely?

What is considered to be the maximum allowable dosage for an otherwise healthy person? My impression is that dosages of up to 300 or 400 mg are normally considered safe for at least short term supplementation for a healthy, non statin damaged person. Would this be correct?
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Postby Brian C. » Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:26 am

I found with 600mg I was getting myalgia again. This immediately went away upon increasing intake to 900mg.

Brian C.
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Postby Ray Holder » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:03 am

Q10 normally has a life of 4 days in the body, and needs continual renewal. The whole body contains 2 grams of Q10, so it is spread very thinly. 2grams over 4 days would suggest 500 mg a day, but absorbtion of the supplementary forms is nowhere 100%, I currently NEED 900 mg daily. As Q10 is produced by a 15 or so stage process, problems in any one stage will affect the final outcome, I believe that the deficiency of Q10 from statin use starves and kills off parts its own production line, never to return.
Your daily Q10 dose must replace that portion of the regular production no longer available.

Ray Holder
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Postby valgators » Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:38 am

I am now taking 400 mg CoQ10 a day. Divided twice daily. I can't tell much of a change although it's only been a few weeks. I guess I should increase the dose? And what would be the recommended dose for adding on L-carnitine and D-Ribose?

I got the biggest improvement of all by finding out I was vitamin D deficient back in December and then starting on a therapeutic dosage
(prescription). After a few weeks I no longer had the overall achiness but I still am suffering with muscle pain in the legs and hips primarily.

Any thoughts/recommendations appreciated.
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Postby Ray Holder » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:08 pm

Hi vulgators
If you are not already taking L Carnitine, that will be the most likely to deal with your muscle pain, D ribose does nothing for me.
Carnitine needs to be started in lower doses, and increased at about 3 day intervals, or bowel problems arise. A usual starting dose would be 500 mg carnitine first thing am, increasing by the same amount 4 days later, add another after another 4 days, watching progress. You will probably find that taking added doses at a later time in the day may be needed to maintain pain free time over the day., but avoid taking any too late in the day, say after 3.30, as it may make it difficult to fall asleep.
.Best use seems to be taking it at least 3 hours after food, and 30/45 minutes before food, but your life timetable may not allow for this, up to 3 grams a day will probably work for you, if it is going to be effective, more is possible, but loose bowel problems are more likely.
I doubt if you will need any more Q10, but if the carnitine is not fully effective, you might try some extra Q10 for a short trial period.
The doctors would name this titration, but an engineer would say that the dose was decided by empirical means!!

Ray Holder
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Postby valgators » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:16 pm

Thanks Ray, for the information.......

I will follow your suggestions and see if improvement is noted. I am assuming this is L-carnitine and not the other type?

Thanks again.
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Postby Ray Holder » Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:45 am

I only take L carnitine, but I had severe muscle wastage, and it is needed to counter that. Those with muscle pain appear to get relief from Acetyl carnitine, in my case it is ineffective.

Ray Holder
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