Adverse drug reactions

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Adverse drug reactions

Postby valgators » Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:44 pm

I don't have the answer here.....but I just had to share this situation.
Two weeks ago, completely out of the blue, I had an acute attack of diverticulitis and ended up in the ER. I was prescribed two antibiotics:
Flagyl and Levaquin. I took them as prescribed finishing up last Sunday.
Throughout this miserable saga, I had been wracked with muscle pain and allover soreness. When this did not subside, I knew something else was going on. Just on a fluke, I googled both drugs. And guess what,
Levaquin cites tendon problems (especially shoulders and ankles) as possible side effects. Now with the statin issues I've had, it's always been tendonitis and musculoskeletal. So, here you need to take antibiotics and I believe they definitely caused the pain and hobbling around that I'm doing now. What can you do to protect yourself? It's frightening not to know what side effects will hit you........just like the statin effects.

I just needed to vent my frustration because the last thing I needed was more muscle and tendon problems! Thanks for listening
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Postby SusieO » Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:04 pm

Valgators if you take a close look at most Rx's you will see a side effect is muscular related. At least I have found that with most Rx drugs that have been given to me.

I had a lot of problems with acid reflux and can't even think about taking something like Nexium, Prilosec and so forth...they all bring back my muscle pain. I had to turn to natural healing i.e. raw cabbage and Manuka Honey, but I am much better now.

It seems to me that once we have been hit by the statin pain demon it stays with us forever no matter how much we feel we have improved (and I have improved a great deal of the last year). It will never go away it just stays at bay for me until I take something that my body does not agree with.
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Postby valgators » Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:34 pm

Susie: I think you are so right. Just as soon as I feel I am making some progress, I get hit with something new. And it takes so much longer to recover and always stirs up muscle pain. I guess it just lurks under the surface and re-appears at every opportunity.

I didn't realize that most antibiotics caused muscle problems. I knew of the digestive aspect but just had not experienced muscle/tendon issues until this happened.

Thanks for your input.

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Can't help but feel paranoid

Postby pgrimm » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:07 am

You are right to look up any drug prescribed to you. I sure wouldn't have suspected an antibiotic, either. But then, almost all poison, albeit often necessary poison for some, but having already been damaged by statin, you sure didn't need this! I'm sorry.

I am just getting statin paranoid, or are there just an awful lot of people walking around with canes? Don't you just want to walk up to them and ask what medications they are on?
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:10 pm

Some antibiotics are absolutely contraindicated when taking statins. I assume they would be so after statins, but I am not positive. Check (Google) Statin drug interaction. Also read the drug interaction boiler plate that comes with a statin drug (that's online too - just enter the drug name "Zocor, Lipitor", etc.)

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Postby Ray Holder » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:32 am

Some forms of penicillin can cause carnitine deficiency, and as carnitine deficiency is also persistent or permanent after statin damage, they would make matters worse.
This fact can be found by googling Carnitine deficiency Fernando Scaglia, the resulting paper is mainly about infant deficiency, but other forms are also dealt with.

Ray Holder
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Postby harley2ride » Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:05 pm

Since my statin damage, I have had very noticable problems with numerous Antibiotics I have tried, and it was noticable after only a day or two. I have avoided all antibiotics since then. Can't remember the exact names of all of them, but my doc tried me on 4 different ones, and all caused rapid muscle pain, spasms, etc... One was prev pack...
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Postby BSGfan » Wed May 07, 2008 1:17 am

My statin discomfort lately has increased when using such popular over the counter cough medicines as Guafenesin or Dextromethorphan. Robaxin, Toradol, Ibuprofin, and Flexeril have also produced increased discomfort.
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