by Ray Holder » Tue May 13, 2008 10:48 am
I believe that the inability to absorb B12 is fairly common in older folk, I have a relative who has regular injected B12, and funnily enough, today I asked a friend how she was getting over an accident, and she volunteered the fact that she had a B12 injection yesterday.
I think I remember reading that B12 is necessary to prevent problems which might otherwise arise when taking folic acid to control homocysteine.
I take much more Q10 than you do, 900 mg a day, I doubt if your small doses will have a great effect on your BP, and dry Q10, if that is ubiquinone, rather than ubiquinol, is not at all well absorbed, some oil or fat being needed in conjunction. I also take a Homocysteine protection factors tablet (Jarrow), which contains B12, etc, and find no problem with the combination.
I have been regulating my Q10 dose over the last 5 years, by watching my BP continuously. For me, it is the most sure guide to what is needed, but only on a several days trend basis. I don't act on single readings. I also find that carnitine need has an effect on my BP, and I have to try to work out which is the one needing attention.