vitamins and statins

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vitamins and statins

Postby catspajamas » Wed May 21, 2008 2:54 pm

I was reading a newsletter from Mayos..In it they were discussing the plant sterols for reducing cholesteral...It said that plant sterols won't interfere with absorbtion of Vits. A,D,E, and K....I was just diagnosed with a Vit D and A deficiency....Does this mean that statins did that to me besides the muscle and nerve damage?....Another thing to look into...The rheumatologist suggests that once the Vits get built up to normal a lot of the achy ness in my legs and body should be better......Very interesting...anyone else diagnosed with Vit deficiencies? ...or isn't your Dr checking them......
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Postby valgators » Wed May 21, 2008 7:41 pm

Hi Cats:

Yes, I was deficient too and since December have built my level up to 30 from a low of 19. I have noticed improvement in the overall achiness and soreness. I attribute this to stopping Pravastatin in February and taking prescription Vitamin D (50,000 units weekly for 12 weeks) and then switching to 1000 IU's daily. In addition I spend at least 15 minutes a day in the sun.

I would be optimistic that you will improve too. Just remember it takes several months so don't get frustrated.

Good luck. Valgators
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Postby catspajamas » Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:42 pm

During my continued research concerning statins and vitamins I read that besides depleting VitD from your body they also deplete calcium...Stands to reason as the 2 go together.It also said Vit D has a direct relationship to immune diseases and parathyroid activity.Vit d has a positive effect on colon cancer and increases risk of pancreatic cancer. Vit D has a preventive role in diabetes and hypertension...It reduces overall mortality in 300-2000 iu a day....The doctors want us to take statins and put us in risk for a whole lot of other things the way I understand it...Guess besides the L carnitine a coq10 we should be supplementing calcium and Vit D....Wonder what Dr Graveline says about this?????
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Postby SusieO » Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:53 am

Catspj; I've had hair analysis testing done on me a few times now and found out I am deficient in many vitamins/minerals and have too much of things like aluminum in my system.

The supplements I take all aid in my being able to walk,exercise and use my body while not having much discomfort or weakness anymore.

I am not sure if this is allowed, but here is what I am taking:
You can view what is in most supplements by going to * and then looking at each specific item - a few are not made by NutriWest. I hope this helps - as it has saved my life!!!

2 a day of Homocysteine Redux
4 a day of Total DHEA (for my hormonal imbalance)
6 a day of IsoCort (not by NutriWest and for hormones)
2 a day of QuantiaBiotica (not by NutriWest - by Quanta Foods)
2 a day of CoQmax CF (not by NutriWest - by Xymogen)
3 a day of GI Repair Nutrients (not by NutriWest - by Vital Nutriets)
2 a day of C-1000 TR
2 a day of Vana-Chrom
3 a day of Total Virx
3 a day of Total Brain
2 a day of Total Lipotrophic
4 a day of Total Para
2 a day of Total Heart II

Any change to the above does cause my body to go in to a relapse - I have to stop and think about what was changed and then return to the old dosage or slowly try adjusting to a higher one vs. adding more all at one time.

My Wellness doctor said he's never dealt with anyone who is so highly bothered by slight changes to the supplements and it is not normal - yet he understands the damage done by Lipitor is what is causing the problems when changes are or try to be made.
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Postby valgators » Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:03 pm

Hi Susie:

This is probably a dumb question........but who is a "Wellness Doctor?" How do you find someone who specializes in the alternative treatments? Are they specialized MD's or some other specialty?

Everyone probably knows this but me, but thanks for any info.

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Postby SusieO » Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:19 pm

Hi Val,

No ? is dumb - my Wellness doctor is also a chiropractor. Not all chiros are in to wellness and some "regular" doctors even practice wellness/supplements. My wellness doctor was taught using the Brimhall techniques - you can google that to read about it.

I hope you can locate someone in your area because I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel and how strong I am. :D
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Postby vipergg22 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:45 am

I don't know if its coincidence or not but ever since I started watching how many carbs I was eating also started taking between 1000-2000 IU's of vitamin D my cholesterol levels have gone from 220-250 down to my last test which was 165 total with no medicine . I went down the whole statin route just like everyone else and it destroyed most of the nerves in both my feet so I will never touch those again , don't care if I have a heart attack. From everything I have been reading almost everyone is probably vitamin D deficient unless you live in a sunny climate and get outside enough without slathering on the sunscreen which will block vitamin d synthesis and they are finding this has far reaching health implications. A lot info on vitamin D out there just do a search on it . if you are like me and work inside all day I know i don't get enough sun and we live in upstate NY where can only get good sun maybe 4-5 months a year. Good reading here *
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Postby SusieO » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:05 am

Viper until I was able to get exercise by walking I was not getting much Vitamin D. Now that I am walking each day and we live in a sunny climate I feel I am only getting better by getting more Vitamin D.

I do put sunscreen of 15 on my face when I walk and in the summer I wear a hat, but oh that sunshine feels so good in the early mornings. :)
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